“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.
Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.
Kristy Ford
Posted 14 April 2018
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is truly saddened by this news. I feel fortunate to have stumbled across this organization and have been sincerely moved by your familys relentless fight for the humane treatment for animals especially the majestic elephants. She was an amazing angel on this earth that is a great example for the rest of us to strive to be. I hope to continue support for your organization for years to come. Blessings and prayers.
Priya Nandhra Aswani
Posted 14 April 2018
Thoughts and prayers with you all during this difficult time. Dame Daphne truly was an inspiration and gave hope and love to many elephants and other animals including humans. She will be sorely missed..but truly blessed to have had such a special soul on earth here with us all 3 xx
Lesley Jackson
Posted 14 April 2018
In memory of a woman I so admired – one of my heroes. A life well lived and a lasting legacy.
I know you will continue the good work and so many people around the world are behind you.
Louise Dawson
Posted 14 April 2018
My deepest condolences to your family. Your Mom inspired and gave hope. So pleased to see that same dedication in her children.
Her rescued eles are my Spirit-Animals Dame Daphne my Spirit-Self!!
Keep her fire burning! Love and prayers from your Canadian admirers.
Denise Taggart
Posted 14 April 2018
My heart goes out to your family. What Dame Daphne did for animals is just immeasurable.
Lynn Bowers
Posted 14 April 2018
Very sorry for your loss. Thank you for continuing your mums work. Bless her for all of her dedicated efforts
Martha A Epstein
Posted 14 April 2018
I’m so very very sorry for your loss. May you get some comfort from the knowledge that she was loved by many…and so are all of you. Be gentle with yourselves. Remember to breathe. And stay close to the elephants and Max and Kiko and all the other amazing creatures that we all love so much.
Marilyn Coussoule
Posted 14 April 2018
I cry at her passing but am inspired by her tireless and fierce work on behalf of all wildlife. My deepest condolences to her family and all those lucky enough to know her personally. In her memory I hope we all remain firm in our resolve to preserve and protect our earthling brethren. Love to all.
Sarah Irvin
Posted 14 April 2018
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication for elephants.
Katharine Seed
Posted 14 April 2018
A great loss. Her life an extraordinary gift and legacy to wildlife preservation. Sincere sympathy to her family and to her DSWT family – those with two legs and four. Katharine
Mandy Dumont
Posted 14 April 2018
I have followed her all my life and read all her books. She achieved so much for the animals that she loved. Thinking of her family.
Linda Rice
Posted 14 April 2018
Sorry for your loss. We need more people like her in our world
Don Bilson
Posted 14 April 2018
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. But what a life what a legacy and what an impact.
Kelsey T Dillon
Posted 14 April 2018
In memory of my personal hero Dame Daphne. With this donation I hope to convey to her family and friends that her story and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust has deeply affected me and my passion for a career to help wildlife and wild places. She is an inspiration to all.
Jo Ann McNaughton-Kade
Posted 14 April 2018
I admired Dame Daphne so much. She was an amazing woman.
Naomi Dunson
Posted 14 April 2018
Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick was a true hero and I am so sorry to hear of her passing. She touched so many lives human and elephant and my deepest condolences to her family and friends.
Sandra Whitney
Posted 14 April 2018
A great loss for the world. She will be long remembered by all who value wildlife all around the world.
Lisa Fitch
Posted 14 April 2018
May you find comfort and peace in the reflection and memories of her beautiful work and dedication to the animals. Thank you for continuing her work in protecting the elephants and for giving hope to us all.
Kyle Goldstein
Posted 14 April 2018
So very sorry for the loss of such a wonderful woman. She will be missed. Thoughts and prayers.
Carmen Pisano
Posted 14 April 2018
Godspeed sweet angel. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.