In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Nicole Knudtson

Posted 14 April 2018

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of their/her live! I know it’s not much to give considering the costs of their care and what you guys put into it all. But I’m so happy I could at least start to get involved! Bless your hearts for all that you do! So sorry to hear of the passing of the great Daphne. She was truly an inspiration and I truly hope her work is carried on forever.

Barbara von Hoffmann

Posted 14 April 2018

I’m so very sorry to hear about your mom, an incredible lady!  I lead safaris to Kenya and always take my group to the Orphanage, so they can be familiar with it and the great work Daphne is doing.  It is a giant loss, but it is gratifying to know it will continue

Anett László

Posted 14 April 2018

I was so devasteted to read the passing of Dame Daphne… I was crying my heart out, because I loved her so much! Though I have never met her personaly… She was a great role model for me and a great example of the human kindness! What she did for the elephants of Kenya is incredible and because of her selflessness a lot of elephants life was saved. I read her autobiography Love, life and elephants and I must admit that this made a huge impression of me. I will never forget her .. My heart goes out to her whole family, the DSWT staff and the Keepers! Be strong and keep up the good work! Rest in peace beautiful Daphne you are with your beloved David now! 

Christine Varga

Posted 14 April 2018

I know will you receive hundreds of messages expressing condolences for Dame Daphne’s death. I want to add my words to these. When I first visited Sheldrick in 2006 while working in Nairobi it changed my life. Witnessing the commitment amongst everyone there to Kenya’s wildlife was and still is one of the moving experiences I’ve ever had. Dame Daphne you leave behind a miraculous legacy. Thank you so very much.

Michele Jankelow

Posted 14 April 2018

An incredible soul, a woman of great dignity, integrity, heart, compassion and strength! What a privilege sharing this planet with you and if only I could have contributed all that you have achieved so magnificently! There are no words to express my respect and admiration! Be safe and loved now in the arms of David! The animals know where you are!

Pat Milligan

Posted 14 April 2018

I was very sorry to hear about the death of Daphne.  I much admire the work of the Trust and paid a visit in 2015.   I met Daphne in the late 60s out at Tsavo East.  Then she had 2 baby elephants, 2 baby rhinos and 2 baby buffalos. I am sure she will meet up with David and all the elephants who have gone before her. Best wishes to you all

Maria C. Corvalan and Brian Condliffe

Posted 14 April 2018

We have proudly sponsored an orphan at the Voi Stockades for several years now, and been privileged to visit the stockades and meet our orphan. It is with heavy hearts that we received the sad news and we mourn such a tremendous loss. Dame Daphne has been and will continue to be an inspiration to us, and her legacy and memory will long outlive us. Please know how deeply we feel her passing. She was a remarkable human being whom we shall miss each and every day. We thank her for her work and dedication. May angels wing thee to your resting place, Daphne.

Ingrid Graudins

Posted 14 April 2018

I extend my deepest condolences to you, your family and to all the wonderful souls who have been a part of creating and championing the mission of DSWT, and amazing undertaking of which your mother was the leading angel and compassionate warrior.   Her inspirational and lifesaving work has naturally attracted so many other kind and generous people who have worked so hard to turn death away from the doors of animals who would have had no other hope of surviving, much less thriving and having families of their own.  The saving of a species is no small feat — the world is indeed a better place for having had your dear mother here to start her own revolution of kindness. May Dame Daphne’s love and willingness live on in those who carry the legacy of protecting the vulnerable, healing the wounded, and caring for the orphaned wild ones in perpetuity.  I will always be a supporter of DSWT and I hope, that you have peace in your heart despite the pain of losing your mother from the physical world.  Love goes on forever.

David (Jonah) Western

Posted 14 April 2018

I send the condolences of my family to the Sheldrick family on the loss of Daphne. Carissa and Guy were thrilled as small children by Daphne introducing them to the elephant orphans of Tsavo and in Nairobi. One of my own abiding memories was having tea with David and Daphne at their home in Tsavo and having the elephant she had raised come to visit. Daphne’s love of elephants and her pioneering work in raising orphaned animals during the heyday of poaching in the 1970s and in the decades since became a rallying call for saving these sentient and endearing animals. It is a testament to Daphne’s love of elephants and her public outreach to saving them that she set up the Sheldrick Wildife Trust. SWT has greatly expanded her work, reached thousands of Kenyans and people around the world and will continue her passion for elephants and fight to save them far into the future.

Mary Barry

Posted 14 April 2018

We were so very sorry to hear about Daphne she was a wonderful person and truly inspirational we feel very proud to have known her and be part of her wonderful work please pass on our thought to all her family. Warmest wishes


Posted 14 April 2018

Depuis mon petit village, Belgentier en FRANCE, mon cœur est triste. Une Grande Dame a tiré sa révérence. Elle a consacré sa vie á sauver les animaux orphelins. Depuis le début j’ai suivi son aventure, et je lui suit tellement reconnaissante pour son travail incroyable. Aujourd’hui elle a quitté ce monde pour rejoindre le paradis d’où elle veillera sans aucun doute sur ses protégés. Vous avez été Madame, un exemple pour l’humanité Respect. Condoléances à vos proches, et á tous vos protégés

Lee Kirkland

Posted 14 April 2018

To everyone at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and to Dame Daphne’s family I send my condolences and thanks for a wonderful life. Your work will go on and your dedication will not be forgotten.

John Vander

Posted 14 April 2018

Thanks for her awesome efforts to SAVE OUR ELEPHANTS!

Rachael Boocock

Posted 14 April 2018

For Daphne … an everlasting hug to a woman who inspires all that is good xxx A wonderful human; who wrapped her heart around mother nature… a truly beautiful woman with nothing but true grit; commitment and warmth… god bless

Janet Slates

Posted 14 April 2018

I just learned of Daphne’s death.  On my God, rest her soul!  I can’t imagine the sadness surrounding the Trust.  I really wanted to meet her when I was there, but I didn’t see her.  I have her latest book, and have followed the trust for over 10 years now. My sincere condolences to Angela and her family, and all the workers throughout the organization.  Dame Daphne was one of a kind, and I will never forget her!

Laurence, Frédéric, Elisabeth DANCET, Susan BAETZ

Posted 14 April 2018

The association Sauvez les éléphants d’Afrique present its sincere condolences to Angela and to his family, to you, to the staff of the Trust and the keepers. The family of the elephants lost his Matriarch. 

Sarah Tobias

Posted 14 April 2018

Dame Daphne Sheldrick’s moral compass, her fortitude and tenacity and her courage were exemplary. Her compassion for all life, and her love of elephants will always inspire me. She was humanity at its best. With respect in tribute

Lindsay, Peter and Saskia van Ryneveld

Posted 14 April 2018

We would like to express our most sincere condolences to Dame Daphne Sheldrick’s immediate family and extended family working at the David Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage on the loss of a most extraordinary person. Daphne was a person who embodied the words of Jean Paul Sartre when he wrote ”ce n’est que le geste d’amour qui compte” – it is only the gesture of love that counts.  So many people speak of saving our planet and it’s magnificent wildlife,  however,  very few do anything about it.  Daphne gave her life to saving some of earth’s most majestic creatures. May she rest in peace with the soul of the elephant at her side.

Jocelin Kagan

Posted 14 April 2018

My deepest condolences to all at the DSWT – Dame Sheldrick was indeed a tour de force we will carry on her work in our own way to keep our beloved Ellies alive and multiplying.

Pamela Reader

Posted 14 April 2018

It is with great sadness that I have read that Daphne has died! She was and is an inspiration to people around the world. Her work for orphaned elephants and her love of Kenya are very close to my heart. My condolences go to the family and everyone at the centre. Long may your work continue and Daphne’s legacy continue to grow and prosper.