In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Posted 14 April 2018

I wish to pass my sincere condolences on behalf of myself and my family to the Angela’s family and the entire Shedricks trust for the loss of such an icon. May the Almghty glad you peace and strength.

Michael Wamithi

Posted 14 April 2018

As a former director of Kenya Wildlife Service who has known and worked with Daphne, I share the feeling of great loss of a passionate animal lover and conservationist. Kenya conservation has lost one of its warriors but her work and legacy will live on for a long time to come. RIP Daphne.

Gina Boxley

Posted 14 April 2018

Heartbroken to hear of the death of Dame Daphne Sheldrick. Our GREAT MATRIARCH will be loved and remembered forever: Saddest day you left this earth. You will be remembered forever for your inspiration, passion, care and love for our precious orphaned baby Elephants and wildlife in general. THANK YOU for your spirit and soul shared with so many of us. May you rest well. You have done all you can and now its up to us left behind to carry on your incredible legacy. Strength, Love and deepest thoughts to all the family and all who share in the care of your Orphans. Angela, keep strong and know Mum is within you and will always be by your side. She will be so greatly missed by everyone of us who care so deeply about these precious wildlife creatures. THANK YOU for having the insight to change the world and our belief that we can ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. XXX With Great Respect and much Love


Posted 14 April 2018

I have followed Dame Daphne’s work for many years from here in the UK. I will never forget this beautiful lady, who has left behind a great void, but a marvelous legacy on tge world, and what she’s done for the Conservation of the Elephants Amazing work. RIP Dame Daphne.

John Ulferts

Posted 14 April 2018

We extend our deepest sympathies to Dame Sheldrick’s family.  What a wonderful legacy she left!  Dame Sheldrick made such a difference for elephants and rhinos.  Her life is an example for all of us on what stewardship means.  Not only did her work help save elephants, it also provided good meaningful jobs for Kenyans and better schools for children.  She was an inspiration worldwide.

Nerino Dose

Posted 14 April 2018

I want to take the time to express my condolences to everybody at the DSW &T for the passing of Dame Daphne

Carol Greenstone

Posted 14 April 2018

So very sorry to learn of the passing of your mother and immensely grateful for the legacy she has left. May the love and compassion she has given so many help comfort you in this time of immense sorrow.

Susi McHendry

Posted 14 April 2018

I was shocked to learn of Daphne passing, and would like to offer my condolences to her family and friends, she was a great woman, who i respected very much for the care and wellbeing she gave to the many elephants she saved through the years. i followed her husband too, i remember them both from when i lived in south africa.  Both were amazing people and they wont be forgotten. Prayers for all

Saskia Heyder

Posted 14 April 2018

I‘m still in shock and no words can describe how sorry I am for your loss. Daphne was such a great soul for the elephants and all animals in need. When her good heart has stopped beating the world has lost a passionate conservationist. But she leaves a precious legacy and we all will do our best to keep her work and legacy alive. My heart goes out to you during this difficult time.


Posted 14 April 2018

RIP Dame Daphne a great lady! I hope your legacy lives on for many generations to come. Xx


Posted 14 April 2018

Condolences to to the family. There are no words that can do justice for Dame Daphne’s devotion and long involvement in the protection of the elephant tribe It is a comfort to know that her family and devoted carers will continue to maintain the example she established.

Diane Law

Posted 14 April 2018

So sorry but what a wonderful legacy she left behind.

Catherine Ronan

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so sorry to learn of Daphne’s passing. What a fantastic contribution she has made to the conservation of the most wonderful and my favourite animal. I loved reading her fascinating and inspirational autobiography. What a legacy she has left and so reassuring that it continues in the good hands of the family.

Gill Trayner

Posted 14 April 2018

I was priviledged to know both Daphne and David back in the 1960s/70s. They did more in their lifetime to bring the plight of Africa’s elephants and to save so many than any of that continent’s governments. They were the embodiment of the saying Where there is a will there is a way. We and future generations are indebted to them. May God bless them their families their staff and their beloved eles.

Katherine Baker

Posted 14 April 2018

What an incredible woman to have accomplished so much in the name of elephants and really all wildlife. She is an inspiration to us all.

Dana K Anderson

Posted 14 April 2018

My heart is with all of you who have lost Dame Daphne in your daily lives. What a beautiful face she had clearly reflecting a beautiful soul.

Robin Russell

Posted 14 April 2018

Thank you for your vision your compassion and your guidance

Deborah Goode

Posted 14 April 2018

I am truly sorry for the loss of your amazing and inspirational Mother! Thank you for continuing her work. It is very muchappreciated by animal lovers and especially elephant
lovers all over the world!

Dale Pietak

Posted 14 April 2018

May your Legacy continue through your beautiful children and grandchildren.Thank You

Eve Gilkes

Posted 14 April 2018

I did not know your Mum Dame Daphne Sheldrick personally, but from the short time that I have been sponsoring an elephant Edie plus another baby elephant for my 2 granddaughters I have been immensely impressed by her life’s work of caring for the elephants. I watch all the videos you send of the latest rescues. I love the huge bottles you feed the baby elephants with and the blankets they have and the way their keeper sleeps in their ‘box’ at night.
Her legacy will go on you must be and are I know very proud of your Mum.
I thank God for her life.
With my thoughts love and prayers to you all.
God bless you and know at a time such as this you can lean on Him.