In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Pat Duke

Posted 14 April 2018

Dearest Angela, It was with profound shock and sadness that Jim and I learnt of your mother’s death. She was an icon. She was Mama tembo. She was the supreme Matriarch of all Kenya’s elephants. Beautiful soul and wiser than anyone I know. She will be sorely missed by all, maybe especially the elephants. Always remembered and never forgotten. Thank you Angela for picking up the sword for your mother, a task you have being doing for some time, and along with your amazing drawings of the babies, you are doing a sterling job. You do your mother and your father proud. I saw your mother once at the airport many years ago, and will never forget the day I saw and spoke briefly with her before we both had to rush off to catch our respective planes. May her beautiful soul rest easy. Lala salama Daphne. Thank you for all you do–just so special. Asante sana. Kwenda pole pole.

Marna Hydrusko

Posted 14 April 2018

I cannot start this email without sending our very, very deepest sympathies for the loss you and all of the DSWT family have suffered with the passing of Daphne Sheldrick. Her passing is a huge loss and it is difficult to image the sadness you must all be feeling.

Debbie Vanasek

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so sorry to hear that Dame Daphne has had to leave her beloved elephants, but so glad that there are still people like her working to help preserve the lives and habitats of all wild creatures that have no other advocates than those who would devote their lives to doing their best to ensure that we do not lose them through wanton neglect and greed. Cheers to you, Dame Daphne, and a life well spent. If only I could say that I had done as much in my life for a worthy cause…

Maureen Daly

Posted 14 April 2018

My deepest sympathies to your family during this difficult time. Daphne was quite the woman as described throughout her loving tribute. My husband gifted me the care of Bongo this Christmas and I have been so grateful to have a small hand in caring for your amazing elephants. I do wish I were in a position to make a donation in Daphne’s name however, I am unable. My husband has been out of work for a year plus and it has been exceedingly difficult to maintain our own expenses Hopefully, our situation will change and I can someday honor your mother in a donation. For now I wish your Mother eternal peace in God’s loving Care.

Brigitte S. Borstrok

Posted 14 April 2018

Als ich diese Mail erhielt, las ich unfassbares, ich weinte, obwohl ich Daphne Sheldrick persönlich nicht gekannt habe, nur von Bildern und Geschichten. Aber als ich vor einigen Monaten eine Patenschaft fuer Maktao übernahm, wusste ich genau, was ich tat. Es war richtig, nur in diesem Trust von Dr. Daphne Sheldrick wollte ich Pate sein, nirgendwo anders. Zweimal war ich mit meinem Bruder, der in Nairobi lebt, zur Elefantenfütterung gewesen, und die Elefanten haben mein Herz berührt. Und wie froh war ich zu wissen, dass sie von soviel Liebe und Guete und Wissen umgeben waren und eine gute Begleitung an ihrer Seite hatten. Ich verbeuge mich vor dieser unglaublich liebevollen und wunderbaren Dame, die diesen Trust fuer die Orphants ins Leben gerufen hat, sie hat soviel fuer Elefanten getan. Und ich liebe Elefanten und weiss, dass Sie, liebe Angela, das Werk Ihrer Mutter fortsetzen, Sie werden es genauso wunderbar meistern. Von ganzem Herzen condoliere ich Ihnen Allen und werde in den nächsten Tagen mit meinen Gedanken bei Ihnen sein. Ich wuensche Ihnen viel Kraft bei diesem schweren Verlust.

Mindy Camponeschi

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela and Family and all the Community at DSWT, FIAA (Foundation for International Aid to Animals) wishes to express our profound sympathies to you, her family and friends, at the passing of your remarkable and beloved mother and founder.  As a supporter of your amazing work and, like you, passionately dedicated to the preservation and protection of animals, we too feel deeply the loss of Daphne.  At the same time we feel ever inspired by her legacy and know that she motivates you to continue in the same spirit, passion and love for animals that she felt and that we all feel.  The elephants surely will mourn her passing as much as the rest of us.

Amanda (de Normanville) and Gary (Soden)

Posted 14 April 2018

Angela and the whole family: The tears flow.  I only just heard the news of her death. She is my hero, and always will be.  My husband and I tried for a number of years to start a sanctuary for elephants in Thailand in the early 2000’s but, very sadly, it wasn’t to be.  The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is the only thing on my ‘Bucket List’ and we have just confirmed a trip there for September 2019 with Beverly.  We are SO sad at Daphne’s passing. We send our sincere condolences and love to Angela and the whole family, to the elephant caregivers, and to the elephants.  This is a tremendous loss for all of you, and for the world.  We thank the Universe that her legacy will live on, as a shining beacon.

Chantal Bonvin

Posted 14 April 2018

L’heritage de cette grande dame qui a oeuvré pour sauver tant d orphelins est tres grand et à nul autre pareil pour le sauvetage de tous ces petits traumatises. Bravo Daphné pour votre parcours et que la fondation trouve la force de poursuivre cette magnifique oeuvre au secours des animaux. Sincères condoléances à vous tous 

Mary Crosby

Posted 14 April 2018

We admire the work you all do. We have known about you and supported you for years and appreciate the care and diligence you show the elephants and thus demonstrate compassion to the world. We will miss Dame Daphne but know her hard work will be continued by her wonderful daughter and staff. Thanks to you all.

Sylvia Venter

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so sad for all of you over there in Africa for the loss of your Daphne, I would love to have met her.  What a wonderful lady she was.  The things she has done for the wildlife there we appreciate here in England and thank God for her.   R.I.P

Christopher Keene

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so sad to hear the tragic news that Dame Daphne has passed on. I have always admired her work and she remains an icon in the field of conservation. On April 1st I was privileged to attend the elephant orphanage in Nairobi for the second time and I will always be inspired by the amazing work this remarkable woman has done and what her legacy will continue to do. Dame Daphne will be sadly missed, but it is a tribute to her work that so many elephants have survived and been able to return to the wild. I will always admire what she has done and I am so saddened by the news

Isobel Birch

Posted 14 April 2018

I was very sorry to read of the passing of Dame Daphne. Kenya has a very special place in my heart, as I was born and brought up there. My late father worked as a forest research officer for many years it various parts of Kenya. If my memory serves me right, I seem to remember Angela attending St Andrews School, Turi whilst I was there and I knew her cousin Valerie at school in Scotland, so I have always felt a very small personal connection. I have all Dame Daphne’s books and have supported and taken a great interest in the work of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust for many years. The first elephant I adopted was Lissa and I have adopted and followed the progress of Lissa and a number of other elephants in their journey back to the wild in the care of the Trust. I currently have two adoptions at the moment. Dame Daphne’s contribution to conservation and particularly to the welfare of elephants is colossal and she will be much missed. My deepest condolences to her family.

Emma Jane Pilkington Goergen

Posted 14 April 2018

I was so saddened to hear of Dame Sheldrick’s passing. The world feels emptier for it. Knowing that the animals had her by their side gave me hope that they may be saved. That future generations may remember her extraordinary love rather than the terrors that brought them to her. To say that she is my role model would be too passive. She is an iconic beacon for conservation whose life was lived with the utmost grace. She valued the wild creatures as do I. It is our duty to protect them from the horror that is too often man. May she be surrounded by her herds, in peace, forever.

Michael and Maryanna Olds

Posted 14 April 2018

I cried when I learned of the passing of Dame Daphne Sheldrick. My husband and I are so saddened by this news. Our condolences go out to her family and to the entire world for the loss of such a beautiful person. It is heartening to know that her legacy lives on and that so many animal orphans are thriving because of her dedication to every living creature. God bless her, her family and all of the unsung heroes and the wonderful keepers for their wonderful work.

Leslie Swackhamer

Posted 14 April 2018

To the Family of Dame Daphne and all of the wonderful people of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, I am sending heartfelt condolences and love. I learned of your remarkable work during the illness of my own mother. You were all a constant inspiration to me during a dark and difficult time in my own life. Goodness coupled with intelligence and hard work can make a difference in our world, and I thank you for all you do to that end. I have learned about how remarkable elephants are through your work, and will be a supporter of that work for my lifetime. For now, I know that you are all grieving. I hope you find solace in the incredible community of wildlife and humans that Dame Daphne and you have created.

Mr Manny Mvula & Dr Cheryl Mvula MBE

Posted 14 April 2018

We are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of a “Legend” and an “Icon” who has over several decades inspired many and saved countless lives selflessly and effortlessly – Daphne to us working in the fringes of conservation and indeed many millions across the globe was a true Hero and an inspiration who not only sacrificed her own life but went beyond the call of duty in sharing lessons. Meeting Daphne was not just an encounter but a true spiritual rediscovery of what we all seem to take for granted. We at “Tribal Voice Communications” and “The High Five Club” can’t even begin to imagine how sad it is for this loss but we stand together with you holding hands in solidarity to celebrate her life like no other. The world has lost an irreplaceable human being whose life was so spectacularly colourful. May She Rest In Peace.

Cheryl Morrison

Posted 14 April 2018

Deepest condolences to all of Daphne’s family, both human and animals who loved her so dearly. Daphne is my hero! I have followed her work for most of my life. I have the deepest respect and admiration for this wonderful lady! May her work continue and her Soul rest in peace watching over all the elephant orphans. God bless.

Anita Kerai

Posted 14 April 2018

Please accept my deepest sympathy. Dame Sheldrick has always been my icon and a legend.  She will always be present in my heart and thoughts. God bless her lovely soul and give you the strength to bear this loss. My prayers are with everyone at elephant sanctuary. Someone so special is never forgotten.

Gijs and Ellen Surie

Posted 14 April 2018

I wish to share my grief and express my sincerest condoleances to Angela, Robert, Taru, Roan, her daughter and her granddaughter living in France – whom we had the pleasure to meet during our last visit – yourself and all other staff of the DSWT on the passing of Dame Daphne. What an incredible woman she was and what a grand legacy she left to the world, the wildlife in general and the African elephants in particular: what a shining example to us all!  I’m sure the elephant community has passed this sad news throughout Africa through their rumbling and their other forms of communication: they will all share in the grief and the great admiration for what Dame Daphne achieved for them in her lifetime. I wish all of you at DSWT all the strengths in the coming weeks. We will all cherish our memories of (our conversations with) this wonderful human being. 

Chris Flatt

Posted 14 April 2018

Our condolences and sympathies to all of you for Daphne’s passing. She very deservedly has been a legend in her own time, and leaves an amazing legacy for the Trust to continue.