In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Jambi and Peter

Posted 14 April 2018

Please accept my deepest condolences for Daphne Sheldrick passing.  May you all be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding her Kenyan wildlife conservation work. Wildlife lovers around the world are mourning and so are we.  May your heart and soul find peace and comfort during this difficult time as well as other family members at David Sheldrick elephant orphanage.  Her work lives on.

Dr. Wayne Mohammed

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so very sorry to hear the sad news of Dame Daphne’s death. I can only hope that all of you at the Trust will continue to find inspiration from her life and continue the incredibly important and necessary work of elephant conservation. Rest assured you have the support of very many people like myself around the world. All of you are in our thoughts at this time.

S Jill Sprankell

Posted 14 April 2018

The champion for Africa’s wildlife may be gone, but her Spirit will walk forever among the animals.

Sabina Sayani

Posted 14 April 2018

I would like to offer my deepest condolences for the passing on of Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick. She was truly a very special human being and someone I truly admired. May she Rest In Peace

Clara Pantalons

Posted 14 April 2018

To the family of Dame Daphne and everyone at the Sheldrick Sanctuary – I’m so sorry to read of Dame Daphne’s passing – what a truly remarkable woman. I was privileged to be able to visit the Sanctuary in 2013 which left a last impression and as a result between 3 of us we sponsor about 11 elephants and dear Kiko the giraffe. My condolences to your family – and to all who knew her – a life truly well lived.

Lisa Kane

Posted 14 April 2018

Dame Daphne’s legacy cannot be overstated. Her work with elephants and wildlife saved lives and inspired thousands of humans to follow and support the remarkable example she set. I fear we will not live to see another of her kind. And so, Dame Daphne’s passing is a true loss, one we will long mourn. But it is also true that her love and fierce defense of wildlife helped shape the arc of human empathy for the many creatures with whom we share our fragile planet.  And so I ask anyone reading her Condolence Book to join me in pledging fidelity to her vision of a world where elephants and wildlife may fully inhabit their beautiful and wild lives.  With affection and respect always,

Cynthia Burnett

Posted 14 April 2018

I am saddened beyond words to read of the loss of Dame Daphne Sheldrick. My thoughts are with her grieving family at this time.The loss of a mother is primordial in its significance and the loss of an incomparable icon of wildlife protection and conservation is devastating.  I was privileged to visit the Nairobi nursery in October 2017. May the example of Dame Daphne’s life and the legacy she leaves behind be forever the sunlight on savanna grasslands and the starlight that shines above her babies to guide her family’s ongoing efforts to continue their heritage long into the future. May they remain confidant that supporters of the Trust will not fail them or Dame Daphne’s memory.

Michael Lemort

Posted 14 April 2018

Good evening, I wanted to send my condolences on the loss of Dame Daphne to Angela and her family. I’ve just received the email (the DSWT March update) and I am deeply sad.  I’m 40yo this year and Daphne Sheldrick was a true source of inspiration for me since I was 12 yo and the reading of an article in a magazine about the DSWT and her dedicated life to the protection of the elephants and the wildlife in Kenya in general). I promised myself that one day I’ll go there. I achieved my dream last year even though I was not able to see her in person (you told me she was sick and recovering). I’m glad and honored that I went there while she was still alive. I’m planning on going back in the next 2 years and foster another orphan as a tribute to her and her amazing job. I send you strength and courage from France in those difficult times and wish all the best to the DSWT in the future.

Bunny & Jack Nevin

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela. I never met your wonderful mother but I adored her by reading all of the things she has done to help baby elephants. She will be missed by all and you have my deepest condolences. I am so glad you have the same love for saving the babies and I applaud you for stepping up to the plate although I am sure you have been doing it for many years to help your Mum. Thank you again for all that you do to help the babies.

Heather Beswick

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela and family. Sending you all love and support in the loss of your dear Mum. I feel your pain as losing your mum is a hard and difficult journey …… my mum is always in my heart and walking with me. Your mum was special beyond words and her absolute dedication, love and determination to achieve what she has done is well impossible to put into words. I began my connection with your mum and your wonderful organisation after a good friend lent me Daphne’s story …. of her love for David which she shared so willingly her love for all the animals and especially elephants and her love for the raw and beautiful Africa ….. I was very lucky to have received a hand written letter from your mum in response to a card I wrote to her …. I felt so privileged that she had taken the time to personally write to me and it just shows her level of care, commitment and connection to not only Animals but people. Her legacy will live on through you ….. Angela and all your family and will continue to grow in strength with world wide support from people all around the world who would love to be doing what you all do so well …. save, nurture educate and above all give hope in a world where there is so much negativity ….. you all send a positive light. Sending my sincere condolences in the loss of your mum but take strength in knowing that she will always be there in spirit guiding you, supporting you and making sure that your journey …. albeit it hard at times will be special….she is walking free in the open country of Tsavo she loved so much with her beloved elephant families ….. always in so many hearts that she and David captured

Karen Scott

Posted 14 April 2018

Although I never had the honour of meeting Dame Daphne she has changed my life. I love and honour all animals as well and so admire the courage and strength she had to do the good she has done over the decades. Fostering an elephant Luggard and Enkesha has given me a whole new perspective especially when we visited this January. I am so sorry for not only your loss but the loss worldwide. The impact she has had is enormously valuable and is now entrusted to her family whom I know will carry on the tradition.


Posted 14 April 2018

Dame Daphne was an inspiration- all good wishes to her family and the DSWT as you continue her amazing and dedicated work saving wildlife in Kenya.

Leah Graham

Posted 14 April 2018

Dame Daphne has been such an inspiration to me. Her perseverance and hard work on behalf of elephants in particular has made a deep impact on my life. Long may her legacy continue.
Sending best wishes to all the DSWT family at this very sad time.

Evelyne Schol

Posted 14 April 2018

Merci Madame.
Nous ne vous oublierons pas et soutiendrons Angela comme nous vous avons soutenue.

Toni and Jason Patching

Posted 14 April 2018

Without the great work done by Dame Daphne and her family I do not doubt that there would be a lot less elephants left in Kenya. The dedication to keep these wonderful animals in the wild is a undertaking and I am proud to say that I have adopted a number of elephants for this great organisation and will continue to do so for future generations to hopefully still be able to see elephants roam wild.
Rest in peace

Tatjana Barkovic

Posted 14 April 2018

As a promise that DSWL won’t be forgotten in coming years. Daphne’s memory will keep living in my heart.

Sallyann Melluish

Posted 14 April 2018

Thank you all for sharing your mother’s life with us.She was one of life’s true heroines.I am sorry for your loss and that of the worlds.

Julia P Cranfield

Posted 14 April 2018

Will continue to support this amazing charity even more so as Elephants especially become more and more endangered.
For everyone at The Trust a big thank you for every thing you do.
It makes a difference.
The least I can do is help to fund that difference.


Posted 14 April 2018

I read Dame Daphne’s book several years ago and I was hooked. What an amazing determined selfless lovely woman. She was an angel on earth for the elephants she loved and now she is an angel in heaven. Blessings to your family. Dame Daphne will be missed by humans and elephants alike.

Diane Hall

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so sorry to hear of Dame Daphne’s passing. She was truly one of a kind and a great inspiration to many as she was to me. Her work will indeed be remembered for many years to come and I thank God for sending her to us. May she rest in peace.