In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Susie Kelly

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela, You must miss your mother so much.  To us  who never knew her personally she was a name to conjure with, a noble and committed person we all so much admired.  But to you  she was your Mum. What a big hole she has left in your life and what a reputation you have to follow.  Thank you for being prepared to carry on her work,  they are big   shoes to step into. Our deepest sympathy to you and the rest of your family

Honor Lehmacher

Posted 14 April 2018

My sincere condolences on the passing of Daphne. She was indeed one of the greatest animal lovers, and protectors, this world has ever known. As an elephant lover myself I always applauded her work and I am so glad that her ‘family’ will be carrying on her work to save these precious creatures.  My thoughts are with you all at this time.

Linda Ridout

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela and all at DSWT. Am very sorry to hear your sad news! A great loss to you all and to the world or elephants! She was a grand matriarch in her own rights and will be remembered with fondness and admiration for all that she achieved! Heartfelt sympathy to each and every one of you!


Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela I’m very sad about your mother death……..i send to you my sincere condolence ,I will keep her in my heart forever she was the BEST

Alison &  Kingsley Quick

Posted 14 April 2018

To Daphne’s family, friends & keepers also the many elephants who had contact with her we are so sorry to hear this sad news.My husband & I spent many holidays in Kenya & visited the orphan centre in Tsavo East visiting our orphan Mizima.It is a testament to all the hard work that Daphne did to bring the plight of elephants to the world & will go on in her memory.

Dolly & Thomas 

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Sheldrick Wild Life Trust Team,  Thanks for your newsletter. We are sorry to hear about the passing of Daphne and are sending our deepest sympathy here from Germany. She will always be remembered as a great human being, that took care of so many people and nature. Our greatest respect on her work and achievement.  Sending you energy and thoughts in these difficult times. Thank you for the work you do. And thanks to Daphne. She made a difference.  The memories will last forever.

Valerie & David Humphrey

Posted 14 April 2018

We are deeply saddened to read the news of the death of Dame Daphne Sheldrick .  We would like to send our most sincere sympathy to Angela and all her family and to everyone in the DSWT team In Kenya.    Dame Daphne was, indeed, a wonderful woman who achieved so very much for the elephants.  Her memory lives on in all those who are alive today through her pioneering work and will go on into the future as her work is carried forward by the family and everyone at DSWT.   She is an inspiration to us all and will never be forgotten.

Sue Feist

Posted 14 April 2018

To the family and friends of Daphne, I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the family and friends of such a wonderful lady who gave so much to conservation. I cannot imagine the pain you all must be feeling. She has done such wonderful work over many years. She has left a wonderful legacy.

Will Savage

Posted 14 April 2018

I am very sorry to hear of Daphne’s passing. As someone who only quite recently became a supporter of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust as a foster parent, I have a very real feeling of being both fortunate and honoured to become involved in Daphne’s lifetime. Her immense achievements, her supreme example of the depths of love and compassion that dwell within the human heart, her boundless commitment to  addressing the vulnerabilities of wildlife in general and elephants in particular and her highlighting their plight and their often vastly underrated and unappreciated good qualities marks her down as someone truly worth striving to emulate, someone who has left a warm glow of deep respect and admiration across many societies. If I feel this loss as someone who didn’t know Daphne personally, her passing must be indescribable for Angela, her family and her friends. There’s particular Buddhist prayers for the recently deceased that I have a lot of faith in and shall dedicate specifically for Daphne and make prayers for everyone fortunate enough to have known her along her path. With my sympathy and best wishes,

Pia Fischer

Posted 14 April 2018

My deepest and most respectful condolence. It is the passionate souls as Daphne Sheldrick the world needs. May her work continue with the same love as hers.

Ann McCormack

Posted 14 April 2018

I wish to offer my sincere condolences to Angela and all of Daphne’s immediate and extended family at DSWT on her passing. What a wonderful, special woman, I can only imagine the life she has led. So much strength and courage and love and determination to stand up for the elephants and wildlife of Kenya. She is such an inspiration and I know she will be forever missed. Absolutely amazing work also by everyone at DSWT who care so deeply for the elephants and all animals and I know Daphne’s legacy will continue because of your continued dedication. You are all heroes to me.

Gillian Black

Posted 14 April 2018

I have admired your  work in the field of Saving Wild Elephants throughout your life. Your book has enforced in me how  we can make a difference if we can all continue to do what we can ,even small steps.  My condalences to all her family may you grow in strength in the knowledge that you had  an amazing Mother.

Tatjana Barkovic

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Daphne, Your books helped me to find again my inspiration in nature, elephants and cetaneas. You encouraged me to follow my heart, move to New Zealand and start better life with my family. We changed our ways of thinking and living. Without you I’m not sure that would happen. Thank you from whole my heart.

Jacqueline le Mahieu and Harry Hermes

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear family of Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick, We would like to offer our condolences with the sad loss of your mother and grandmother. Thanks to her, conservation is very much alive and fortunately, you will carry on her legacy. We admired her greatly and feel very fortunate that we have come to know her through her work and regular extensive updates on the orphanage and the orphans. We wish you strength in coping with her loss.

Ditte Dahl Lisbjerg - Danish Zoological Society

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear colleagues, Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the loss of a great conservationist. Dame Daphne Sheldrick was an inspiration for conservationists everywhere. We will join all that she inspired, and carry on the work for elephants, wildlife and wild spaces. 

Fay Briggs

Posted 14 April 2018

I felt so sad at the news of the passing of Daphne Sheldrick.  I then told my picture of Kalama (the ex orphan elephant I support) about this loss.  Without David, Daphne and all the wonderful workers at the DSWT Kalama would probably not be alive and I wouldn’t have the privilege of being a very small part in the wonderful rescue work and on-going commitment.  It would have been nice to have personally known such a wonderful person but by her deeds not only will the memory of her live on, but also the continuation of the work.  My thoughts are with everyone at DSWT, including the elephants which probably sense that their spiritual champion is no longer with them

Garry and Julie Morton

Posted 14 April 2018

To Angela and all the wonderful people at the foundation. We would like to pass on our condolences on the passing of one of the most amazing people we have met. We have supported the foundation for a number of years, and were fortunate enough to meet Daphne when we came to meet our favourite adoptee, Lempaute. She was only a baby at the time and we were fortunate enough to spend some time with the orphans. A special memory was that Lempaute escaped from the area, and I was able to assist in preventing her from causing much mayhem. My wife had a gold elephant ring, and the keeper at the time liked it. So my wife sent him one for his fiancée, which we believe he used as his wife’s wedding ring. I also still wear with fond memories my David Sheldrick T Shirt which we purchased all those years ago. Though it is a lot tighter now! It is especially hard to hear that this terrible disease has taken another of the worlds most amazing women. My wife is currently having her own battle with breast cancer, being at stage 1V. So we realise the stress and frustration you have experienced. We have always wanted to return to the foundation, but this may not now be possible, due to my wife’s health. I am sure that the legacy of David and Daphne will continue and keep their memory and wonderful work in the minds of animal lovers. They say an elephant never forgets, and I am sure that their are many beautiful orphans that will remember their human families, that gave them the opportunity to live in the wild due to the tireless work of Daphne, yourselves and others who have given them the love they deserve.

Bleys Ronny

Posted 14 April 2018

Sir, Madam, I’m very sad to learn about Ms. Sheldrick’s passing.  What a woman, what a Lady, what a Dame!  What she left behind is priceless and inestimable for the animal kingdom, the human kind and indeed for Earth itself. Her name will not only survive through the David Sheldrick Foundation, but even more so through the hundred’s of elephants, rhino’s and other wildlife which now roam the land and will do so in the future through their offspring, all thanks to to fantastic and dedicated  work Ms. Sheldrick fulfilled. I want to express my deepest sympahty to the family, and all staff of the David Sheldrick Foundation in bearing this loss. She, nor the legacy she left behind will never be forgotten. Greetings and condolences

Rana Nelson

Posted 14 April 2018

What a wonderful lady who lived life to the fullest and took care of so many animals that she loved. I loved reading her books and gladly donated money to help the cause.

Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU

Posted 14 April 2018

I am sad to hear of the death of Mrs. Sheldrick Daphne. I offer my sincere condolences to his daughters, his family, and his entire foundation working for the protection of animals. We are all losing a great lady, but I am convinced that her work survives with the awareness that is spreading among all of us. I also have a thought for all those animals that lose their protector, their adoptive mother. Congratulations and respect Mrs Sheldrick for all of your work … Thank you thank you thank you for all these animals saved.