In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Denise Castelli

Posted 14 April 2018

Angela, my deepest condolences for the passing of you mother. I just read. I am so sorry. Having lost my father 2 months ago, I know that no words can help  you in these tragic moments. Hope you find solace in the fact that she has built an amazing legacy in wildlife conservation

Sima Adar

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela and Keepers and staff, My heart goes to you for your huge loss of such an angel on earth Dr. Daphne Sheldrick. How heartwarming is to know that her legacy continues with all of you. The angels rejoice in heaven to welcome such a soul like hers. I am chocked to tears to know about her passing, even though I never met her, just following all her work and all of you through YouTube. I will be praying for her in her continuing journey in the beyond. Bless you all for all you do for these majestic animals


Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela. It is with heavy heart and sadness as I convey my condolences to you dear Angela. I pray God to console you and the entire Sheldrick family at this very difficult time. Its only by faith in God that we have a promise to see our loved ones who left us for heaven.

Mike Clough

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela, I am sorry to hear that your Mum has passed away.She is a legend and was blessed by such an amazing life. God bless you and be strong

Jamie Hendriksen and Wildlife Works

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela, I am sure it must have been a very busy, and saddening time for you and the family. I just wanted to offer our heartfelt condolences from all of us at WW, on the passing of Dame Daphne. I am sorry this wasn’t sent sooner, but I thought things may be overwhelming, and you must have a huge amount on your plate. Please don’t hesitate to ask, should there be anything we can do to be of assistance. All the best, and once again, poleni sana.

Peggy and Mickey Drexler 

Posted 14 April 2018

Hi Angela – Peggy and I were very sorry to hear of your moms passing – she certainly made a big impact in the world of which we are all thankful for – Our thoughts are with you and your family at this time

Louise Gotthardt

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela Sheldrick, I was very sad to hear of the passing of your wonderful mother, Dame Daphne Sheldrick. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I am sure that your mother will watch over you and her “precious elephants” from where she is and happy to know that her incredible work shall be continued. God bless you and yours.

Diane Moss

Posted 14 April 2018

I was so saddened to read about the death of Ms. Sheldrick—I send my most deeply felt condolences to all of her family and the animals who were fortunate in being able to have her love and protection. I was introduced to Ms. Sheldrick in a program on Channel 13—I believe it was part of its ‘Nature’ series.  It was so moving and touched such a deep chord.  It is unbearable to know how the animals in our world are mistreated…from the smallest to the largest.  It seems to be an insoluble problem. I am grateful for the love and protection that you and Ms. Sheldrick have given to the animals in Kenya.  It remains so tragic that we cannot educate the world about the respect that all animals need and deserve.  The animals have an unheard voice that is expressed through their eyes and their body language—I long for the world to heed it.

Ko and Ria Augustijn

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear family, We feel very privileged to have met Daphne on several occasions. During our interviews she showed her unparalleled engagement and passion, inter alia when we were shooting the foster parent film ”Youth has the Future” for ”Friends of the Elephant”. Daphne was an icon. Although her daughter Angela was already managing DSWT for many years, Daphne remained a symbolic figurehead, asservative, and outspoken when we talked about poaching and the future of elephants. Especially friendly, charming and involved when it came to the weal and woe of humans and animals.   Every time we visited Nairobi we went to see Daphne to say hello, who always apologized disarming and charming: ”I have no memory for names, but I do remember faces”. Daphne was the face of the DSWT. The last time we spoke was in 2015 when we were in Nairobi, Voi and Ithumba for shooting the AVP film ”Foster Parents”. Daphne herself was a foster parent par excellence, a matriarch, but most of all a loving caring mother, mother-in-law and grandmother. We share the great loss which is felt worldwide by elephant lovers, public figures, international authorities and Margaret Kenyatta, wife of president Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya. R.I.P. Daphne.

Laurie Catron

Posted 14 April 2018

We visited the orphanage in Nairobi, and stayed at Ithumba some years ago—what special places, run by special people.  My heart goes out to you all—and keep up this incredibly important work.  I am so sad. . .

Jenny and Shaelan

Posted 14 April 2018

It is with deepest sympathy we send our condolences to the family and the David Wildlife Trust on such a remarkable, loving mother and person.  Words cannot even describe how amazing she was. The inspiration that she gave for the care and wellbeing of elephants and any wildlife was unsurpassed. She will be deeply missed by everyone but she will always be in our hearts and it is comforting to know her legacy will go on.

Ann Walsh

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so saddened by this news.  I don’t know why death is always so hard to accept…we all come to it sooner or later.  But it is still a great shock…and it must be close to unbearable to all those who were close to this wonderful woman.  I am just a fan and supporter…but she has been a heroine to me for many, many years.  My most sincere condolences to her human and elephant family…they will all have wonderful memories to get them over the hardest part…and she will never be forgotten by any of them.

Mim Grooms

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Team, I am very sorry for your loss. Same Daphne Sheldrick will forever be remembered as a hero. What she did for elephants may well have saved the species from extinction.  I know that you all are hurting from her passing. The best way we can continue to honour her is to continue this important work and to raise the next generation to continue it when we are gone.   I pledge to you my support for as long as I still have a breath in my body. What I can do is but a drop but what we can do together is a mighty ocean. Take heart, you are not alone. My God bless and keep you

Kathy Turba

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so sorry to hear of Daphne Sheldrick’s passing.  She was truly a remarkable soul, dedicated to the highest of causes.  I am so grateful for her life and her passion of focusing her energies on loving and providing for some of the most beautiful creatures on Earth.  Her energy and her love will continue to shine a light and motivate others to work on behalf of the innocent creatures who fall victim to the greed of our world. In loving memory of Daphne

Lesley Younes

Posted 14 April 2018

To the family of Dame Daphne Sheldrick. I wept this morning when I read the news. So sorry that I will never meet this amazing woman I have never known . She took the burden from our hearts from her love and caring of all precious animals. Not only those magnificent elephants. This was her destiny and she performed with such grace and determination. I cannot imagine what a big void she will have left, as I feel it in my heart all these miles away, but I know you will take care of the places in her shoes and continue to serve Africa in doing this important work. With love and affection and great admiration for your continued journey, I sign off .

Penny Taylor

Posted 14 April 2018

I came to hear about the DSWT several years ago through the endorsement of Kristin Davis and shortly thereafter started fostering Sities, who is now in your Ithumba Unit.  I cannot adequately express the respect I have for the work that Dame Daphne poured into the Trust and the heartwarming love that she had for all wildlife, but elephants in particular.   She and the Trust opened my eyes to the plight of these noble animals whom I was so lucky to see in person when I travelled to Botswana in 1994.   What an incredibly sad day to hear of her passing.  Such a loss to the elephant and wildlife world.  I like to think that she will be in good company now, surrounded by all of the elephants whose lives were so ruthlessly cut short for the sake of human greed.   Rest in peace, dear lady.   You made such an incredible mark on the world.  And your wonderful Trust is in great hands for years to come.

Natania Wingrave

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela and All at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust It was with tremendous sadness that I heard of your mother’s recent death after a long battle with cancer. She was an immense force for good on this planet and will be greatly missed worldwide but certainly by you, your family, and all who work at the Trust. I am sure the rescued animals and elephants will also mourn her. It is wonderful to know that the work of the Trust will continue in your capable hands it is a glimmer of light in a dark world. Thank you for being there. Please accept my sincere condolences at this very hard time for you, your family, and all who were lucky enough to know your very courageous and loving mother in Kenya and globally.

Jane-Howard Hammerstein

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela Sheldrick, Thank you so very much for letting all of us know of your mother’s death. I care from this distance, being so grateful to know of your father’s foundation, your mother’s work and even a wee bit about your family’s wonderful work. I didn’t know of any of you when my husband and I visited the Mara area thirty years ago or I surely would have come calling. That trip changed my view of the entire world and every living thing in it. I am a better citizen for having spent time among the elephant families. Your mother and I were of almost the same age, I think … self having been born in mid-December of 1934 …. And I like knowing that. I especially like and respect that your family has so long been on the right side of life, saving a great people to care for the Great Elephant Families so that Africans can so thoroughly and meaningfully be involved in their/your life and land. I wish you and your work nothing less than long deep breaths and joy. My happiest memories are there. Take care and kiss a baby elephant for me …….

Stephen Bryant

Posted 14 April 2018

Angela, On behalf of Kacey and myself, as well as our daughters, please accept our condolences on the passing of your mother.  The legacy both your parents have left, and the impact on our planet and these wonderful creatures they worked so tirelessly to protect will live on for ages, and we are so pleased that you are at the helm so that the mission continues, and your influence globally continues to grow. 


Posted 14 April 2018

To all the family members and the staff at Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Thank you for letting me know the sad news of the passing away of Madame Daphine Sheldrick, and I wish to offer my sincere condolences at this time.   I have become very familiar with the incredible work she did and the legacy left behind.   She is also lucky to have a family who share her passion to carry on the work she started.  I will definitely, make a donation in her name shortly.