In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Tony Church

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angie and Rob. I received the sad news of Daphne’s death with a great sense of there following a huge gap in her amazing work to save orphan elephants. But I know you will follow her vision with dedication in furthering the aims and objectives of the David Sheldrick Trust. This comes with our love and sympathy at this time of mourning. The loss of your dear Mum will bring great sorrow to you both. She was such an inspiration always fighting the cause of conservation , especially the rescue of those pathetic little elephants ( and rhinos ) so much in need of help. Daphne’s Elephant Orphanage has been and will continue to be a source of great interest and joy to all those who visit this amazing sanctuary. I enjoyed Daphne’s auto biography. It describes a really romantic time in Kenya’s post Independence period, in saving the Parks and wildlife. She captures the intense love of a beautiful land and a dynamic man of undivided loyalty to the cause of preserving habitat and our spectacular wildlife. I am greatly saddened by the support given by KWS and Richard Leakey in giving their blessing to have the SGR cross the middle of the NNP. I gave money to process an injunction to stop this from happening. I fear for the future of this little gem. Greedy developers are looking this way to expand Nairobi. Daphne’s passing will leave an enormous gap in the Conservation fraternity. But you can be really proud of having an exceptional Mum as your guiding light. Her memory will last forever. You are both in our thoughts at this time of bereavement. Susie joins me in sending you our love and support as you move into this new era.

Yolanda Lewis

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Anglea. It is with the greatest sadness that I read of your Mom Daphne’s passing and wish you and your family and all at The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust much strength during this very sad and trying time.    I as the rest of the world who know of The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust concur with you in regard to her being “one of a kind” and a national treasure and conservationist supremo. Wishing you success as you take over the legacy that your Mom left and know that you will run with it and keep it going especially so in your Mom’s memory.

Marianne Birrell

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela and family, My sincere condolences on the loss of your mother, a truly great conservationist. Daphne Sheldrick was an inspiration to me in so many ways, although I never had the honour of meeting her. A bright light has gone out but her spirit lives on to touch the millions who hear the call of the wild in their hearts. The elephants will mourn her equally, I have no doubt. 

Judith Parker

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. When I read your email on Saturday it filled me with such sadness for since learning about the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in 2013 it has changed my whole life. I send you all my love at this time for I can imagine how upset each of you must be . I was very very lucky to meet Dame Daphne in 2013 when I visited Nairobi and I am so very glad to have done so. Dame Daphne was just as I imagined her and I”m so proud to have that memory. She was very generous to have spoken with me !! Fostering Kihari who is now in Voi gives me such delight and joy. I always check in on the facebook page to see what is happening and I feel very sure that Dame Daphne’s family – led by Angela will continue to do what Dame Daphne started and that is such a huge thing. I”m very proud of what Angela and all of you at the Trust do and I”m sure Dame Daphne would be too. my love to everyone at the DSWT

John Kay & Jutta Maue-Kay

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela: Knowing how beloved Dame Daphne is and anticipating that you and your Family would receive an enormous outpouring of condolences from her countless admirers and followers, we thought it best to wait with our response to the sad news of your loss – and if it’s not too presumptuous – our loss as well. Perhaps at this point you may not wish to receive another note like this but we could not live with ourselves if we did not tell you how much knowing your Mom means to us. Our admiration and affection, indeed our Love for her will remain with us always. When she visited Jackson Hole in 2015, we were able spend a little time with her – and Rob as well – and she was so gracious and kind and patient with everyone. We’ve attached a photo of her with us, taken at that time. We will miss her spirit greatly and also her wonderful way with words which we always looked forward to reading, particularly in the annual Sheldrick report. Her writing always made us feel like we were there with the Orphans and Keepers. We won’t go on any further, this is long enough, but please know that we will continue to do our bit to support the DSWT as always. We know that the Trust’s future is in the very best hands, namely yours and that its great work will continue unabated.

Miriam Birch

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela, Daphne was my hero. As you may know, I met her and David in the 60s, when you, Angela, were about three. Bill Burrud and I and a small crew from his Bill Burrud Productions had gone tho Tsavo to make a TV film inspired by her book “The Orphans of Tsavo.” We stayed in the little hotel in Voi and spent our days filming your parents, the animal orphans, the wardens and wildlife- even you. David and Daphne were welcoming and charming, and their work and dedication were amazing. They, and that trip trip to Africa, were to instill in me a deep love of elephants and devotion to wildlife and its conservation. I subsequently spent much of my career writing and producing documentaries advocating for wild animals. I know of the long years Daphne struggled to try to save orphaned baby elephants and had finally discovered a formula that worked. I have told many people of her dedication, her founding of the Trust and the incredible work and success it has achieved, and encouraged them to support it. Daphne and I have been in touch again over the past decades. When I received the news of her passing I was so distressed I needed time to process it. Now I am writing to say how very sad I am, and to celebrate what an extraordinary human she was. I applaud her, David, your family and all who have dedicated themselves to carrying out their vision. The Trust, as Daphne knew, is a beneficiary of my estate, and whatever I contribute will be in their memory. She inspired me and I honor her. As I said, she was my hero.

Rob and Naima

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela. I am writing together with my wife Naima to add our heartfelt condolences to the hundreds of similar messages that must be flooding in. I don’t think you and I have met, but I first met your mother (and father) in 1971 when I was introduced to them in Voi by Simon Trevor. It was not until we came to live in Kenya in 1983 that we met again through a number of mutual friends and colleagues, and ever since had the privilege of meeting her both socially and professionally, albeit at increasingly long intervals! The last time I was in contact with Daphne was about a year ago when I was doing an “audit” for KWS of all rhino areas in the country, which even required me to make an “official” check on Maxwell’s security! – the day I visited she had a hospital emergency (not for her – you perhaps?) so we could not meet but spoke on the phone. Anyway we join you and all her friends and conservation colleagues from Kenya in particular, in mourning the passing of a much loved and much respected member of our respective communities. We all take great comfort in the fact that her wonderful legacy will live on, and is in your safe hands.

Romualda Lelek

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela Sheldrick. With deep sorrow I have learned of the loss of your excellent Mother, Daphne Sheldrick. She is for me a symbol of the fight for wildlife’s saving in this uncertain, difficult time and shows us the way for the future. I have admired she and am very glad, that you could continue her passion so successfully. Please accept my sincere condolences with the promise of supporting your further work with all my possibility and heart.

Julia and Brian Johnson

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela. We were so sorry to hear from you that Daphne had died. She was indeed a truly special person, and I very much wish I had met her. I read her book An African Love Story of course, so felt to know her a little through her story, and we did at least visit the elephant orphanage when we were in Kenya about 18 months ago, and were so impressed with her remarkable work. She has left a wonderful legacy, and done so much for wildlife, and for raising public awareness through her pioneering work, and tireless commitment to elephants. Everyone will miss her, you most of all, but how marvellous to have had her for your mother. We hope that your memories help you through the hard times, and we send you our sincere sympathy at this very sad time

Penelope Grosjean

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela. You had a wonderful Mother and my heartfelt thoughts are with you and all around you, now that she is no longer in our midst. Her legacy, her vision, are extraordinary and have given such hope to so many in this world, that there are still people who will do anything to save our precious wild life. Having had the privilege to meet her on several occasions, to have her two books in my bookcase and my personal background with Kenya during her lifetime, has made me appreciate, as thousand of others, who have followed over decades the orphanage as it grew and the releasing of the orphans who in turn became the basis of some of the present herds in Tsavo. It is a dream story, requiring total dedication, perserverance and an extraordinary vision. That it has succeeded is due to Daphne but also to all those who believed and supported her – namely you and the Keepers. I shall continue to follow the stories of my little Ellies – one in particular – Ndoto – who belongs to a dear friend in France – and whose story he avidly follows! He knew nothing about Kenya or elephants, until Ndoto arrived in his life! That is one of the gifts Daphne has given to so many people. So to everyone, the Keepers and especially to you, I honour the memory of Daphne. May she rest in peace

Saras Rosin

Posted 14 April 2018

In Loving Memory of Dr Dame Daphne Sheldrick. To the family of Daphne Sheldrick, you have no idea the impact your Mom’s work has had on me as an individual. I travel to Nairobi often on business and having a spare weekend there last year, and with a love of elephants, I decided to visit the orphanage. What an impact it has had on my life! Watching those babies and experiencing all that has been put in place to ensure they recover from their ordeals, integrate into the herd and go on to live happy lives with the other herds in Tsavo was so moving, that I now sponsor two of your orphans : Enkesha and Luggard and as often as I can, try and donate something whether it is a treat or some clay. I have visited elephant orphanages in Thailand and more recently in Sri Lanka and none of them even come close to the great work you are all doing in Kenya. Your Mom was the chosen one, wherever she is now, she’s being protected and cared for by the souls of the many animals she cared for and who she gave dignity to in their hours of need. Please accept my deepest sympathies on her passing, and my greatest gratitude for the truly special work you all do for these mighty animals.

Judith & Dennis Oppenheim

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela, Robert, Taru, Roan, The helpers and especially all the Elephants. My wife and I are deeply saddened to learn of the death of an exceptional woman, who has done so much in the name of her late husband (and father), to further the well being of these wonderful animals. If there are two giants in the World, it was Dame Daphne and her Elephants. It is wonderful to hear that she has instilled in her family the love of animals and that her legacy will continue on through Angela and her family. Please convey our sincere condolences to all the family, the helpers and the Elephants, who with their extreme intelligence will mourn her passing, as deeply as we all do.

Karen Cole

Posted 14 April 2018

Deepest condolences and love to all, especially the babies, for the passing of Dr. Daphne Sheldrick. Her story brought me my love for elephants care and conservation. What a legacy she has left us all. Blessings.


Posted 14 April 2018

My heart goes out to the families and friends that lost such a wonderful soul. May Dame Daphne Sheldrick rest in peace and may her legacy live on forever may her love dedication and respect for wildlife generate through future generations and continue to impress upon the world.

Jill Pearse

Posted 14 April 2018

Im so glad i had the chance to meet Daphne a wonderful lady myself and my daughter met her at the gala dinner held in london several years ago we had a chat and she signed my book of which i will always treasure so sad to hear of Daphne’s passing our thoughts go out to her family and all the beautiful Elephants love Jill and Amy xx

Suzanne Zentmire

Posted 14 April 2018

My deepest condolences to your family. Your mom was a wonderful person both inside and out. I enjoyed her memoir and have shared with others. I wish I could have met her and listened to life stories over a cup of tea or roaming the yards. Thank you for continuing her legacy and loving those sweet baby elephants. She is with David the love of her but a part of her continues to live in each of you. God Bless

Cecilia Cahill

Posted 14 April 2018

Dearest Dame Daphne
. Thank you so much for all you have done for the beautiful elephants whom I love so much. It has been my honour to foster some babies in my lovely dad’s memory. The world has lost a heroine and angel and my thoughts are with your family and your extended DSWT warden family and I feel so sad but I know that all those who were so proud of you will continue your work . With all my love and gratitude look out for my lovely dad Martin in heaven you will have so much in common with him Cecilia xxx

Shih-Ying Wu

Posted 14 April 2018

We redeem our sin through your work. It’s a great loss that you are now gone. May the legend lives on.

Jeanine Sheridan

Posted 14 April 2018

My family had the privilege of visiting The David Sheldrick in December. The four of us had each fostered an animal and had a very special visit at the end of the day. It truly touched us and we will continue to foster in the future. We are very sorry to hear of Dame Daphnes passing and offer our condolences. We felt it importantto make a donation at this time to honour her commitment, kindness and help in a small way of continuing her legacy.
The Sheridan Family

Donna Davy

Posted 14 April 2018

Thank God for the blessing that was Dame Daphne and the amazing achievement over the last 40 years through the DSWT which she founded and not forgetting those left behind who will gallantly carry on her legacy for many generations to come. Dame Daphne God bless you and thank you. xx