In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Andrew Hurren

Posted 14 April 2018

Bless you Daphne for all your wonderful work and love. RIP to a great lady.

Margaret Martinez Alzate

Posted 14 April 2018

I m so saddened to hear that Dame Daphne Sheldrick has passed away. She is such a special person with a calling so rare dedicating her whole life to the safety of Afrucas wild animals. Rest In Peace Daphne with your elephants rhinos waiting for you in Heaven. God Bless.

Caroline Morland

Posted 14 April 2018

So very sorry to hear the sad news. My deepest condoleances to her big animal and human family. She will be dearly missed by so many around the world. Please do keep her legacy you are already doing such an amazing work. With love and hope for a better world.


Posted 14 April 2018

A wonderful woman x

Edward Short

Posted 14 April 2018

A life well lived. Thank you for carrying on Dame Daphne’s admirable work. We have been fans of hers from Canada for years every since a David Suzuki TV special introduced us to her. Sandra Edward Short.

Edward Church

Posted 14 April 2018

Im a great admirer of your conservation work and hope to contribute and support your organisation through fund raising after I retire.

Laimdota Mazzarins

Posted 14 April 2018

Thank you for all you have done for wildlife in Africa. Stay strong!

Polly Nissman

Posted 14 April 2018

A sad loss but Dame Daphne’s fighting spirit lives on in her global family.

Anne Wanless

Posted 14 April 2018

What an amazing lady. Happy to be able to make a donation in her honour.

Susan Horler

Posted 14 April 2018

I am very sorry for your personal loss of such an inspiring and profoundly capable and constanlyt caring woman. I am very grateful for what she has achieved for the benefit of so many animals and indeed humanity. She will be sadly missed. Please accept this token of appreciation in the hope that the DSWT will continue her work with continued strength and teamwork.

Ruth Smith

Posted 14 April 2018

Such a sad sad day. Dame Daphne was a role model for me. Her determination and love for wildlife should be a lesson to us all. I was lucky enough to meet her at a charity launch and I was in awe.R.I.P Dame Daphne

Chris Pollard

Posted 14 April 2018

Such sad news. Incredible woman. Your work will echo for generations to come. Thoughts with family. RIP xxx

Karen Durick

Posted 14 April 2018

Dame Daphne’s passing is heart breaking and I send my condolescences to her family and loved ones. She was an inspiration to so many and I pray her legacy and work continues. I have adopted Barsilinga and Solio and have so enjoyed reading about all the work rescues and efforts put forth into save these amazing creatures that I can’t imagine living without. She really lived a life I can only dream about and will continue to support this organization as able for the rest of my life. Her legacy and work must continue indefinitely. God Bless her and all those who work tireless to save these wonderful animals.

Stephanie McLaughlin

Posted 14 April 2018

My sincere condolences to the family of Dame Daphne Sheldrick. She was an amazing person and the world is a better place because of her. She will continue to be an inspiration to me as I also seek to help animals in this world. Thank you for sharing her with the world and thank you for continuing her very important work to save elephants and all wildlife in Kenya. Love Aloha from Hawaii Stephanie McLaughlin foster mom to 8 of your baby elephants

De Vries-Timmerman

Posted 14 April 2018

With honour to an amazing lady. My sincere condolences

Karen Barrow

Posted 14 April 2018

RIP Dame Daphne Sheldrick thank you for the incredible work you have done saving the lives of orphan elephants.

Robin Morrison

Posted 14 April 2018

We are all – all over the world thinking of you. The work that’s been done by Daphne I for one can see that this momentum will continue – through her family and this makes me so very happy. To me it seemed this woman had boundless energy perseverence in the face of so many obstacles. She is a timeless example to us all. Robin

Mastroprimiano Maddalena

Posted 14 April 2018

Thank you Dame Sheldrick. We will miss you and especially the elephants. I aspire to be like you!! I pray your legacy continues to protect these treasures creatures of God. You are an angel! I will always help your cause and mission to protect elephants and rhinos. Rip. My heart is with you and the animals.

Carole HOUGH

Posted 14 April 2018

Thank you so much for sharing Dame Daphne with us over so many years. At a time of so much darkness in our world especially for our animal kingdom she has shone as a beacon of truth light and hope and with such inspirational compassion caring. We have been privileged blessed to have her with us her legacy will live on in all those both four legged two legged who have been will be touched by her life work. Words are not enough but you are all in my heart my prayers. Carole xxx

Patricia Russell

Posted 14 April 2018

Dame Daphne was an incredible human who had so much impact on animals and people. I am so happy to know her wonderful legacy will continue with her family at the helm. Wishing you heartfelt condolences and the strength to move forward with this important work. Our gratitude for her and your work comes from places all over the world.