“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.
Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.
Jonathan Knocker
Posted 14 April 2018
In appreciation of all that you have done Dame Daphne for the elephant conservation movement. Your dedication and commitment to the prosperity of these wonderful animals is a shining light. May you rest in peace. Safari Njema.
Patricia and Mark Stillman
Posted 14 April 2018
You have changed my life along with the lives of all of us who love wildlife. We are here for you the keepers the elephants and for Dame Daphne’s Legacy. Thank you and know we are thinking of you. Our hearts are full of sadness and also hope for the future of Elephants because of The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
John Hitchings
Posted 14 April 2018
A wonderful lady to dedicate so much of her life to such a wonderful cause. She will be truly missed but her legacy must go on.
Jill Larone
Posted 14 April 2018
My deepest condolences for your loss. Your mum was an incredible kind and giving person and the entire world grieves with you. Dame Daphnes legacy will live on she will never be forgotten. Im sending you love and strength and hope that the many good memories you have will help you to feel peace at this very difficult time.Much love.
Lisa martin
Posted 14 April 2018
So sorry to hear of this sad news. Thank you for all hat youve done for the animals and all that youve achieved. Your legacy will live on. Thank you again xx
Emily Baker
Posted 14 April 2018
Finally reunited with Aisha her Shmetty and all her other loves.
Henrietta Ley
Posted 14 April 2018
Thank you for all that you do for the orphan elephants and to raise the profile of conservation. It gives me enormous pleasure to sponsor Sonje.
Allison Lloyd
Posted 14 April 2018
Condolences to you all. Her legacy lives on she is guiding you from above in you continued efforts to save African wildlife 1008465039
Lindsey Holmes
Posted 14 April 2018
My heartfelt condolences go out to the dswt family. Dame Daphne has been an inspiration to me and she is what is right in this world. I have visited your facility and will continue to support her/your conservation efforts.
Daughne Uniacke
Posted 14 April 2018
Daughne Uniacke I am sorry to read of the passing of your incredibly wonderful mother Daphne she leaves behind an amazing legacy through which she will always be loved and remembered and very much missed. I am sure all her beloved elephants are in mourning for her .
Patricia Yager Delagrange
Posted 14 April 2018
Everything I’ve learned about elephants started with Dame Daphne and the DSWT. I sponsored Lemoya for a year and have read the DSWT posts on Facebook for years. I am so saddened to hear of her passing. The statement about her and her life was amazing. My knowledge and passion for elephants and their preservation was lit and kindled and flaming due to Dame Daphne’s presence. I will always remember her just as I’ll always fight for elephants.
Jennifer Elizabeth Ford
Posted 14 April 2018
Thank you Dame Daphne for all you did over the many years to protect all those wonderful creatures.R.I.P.
Deepest condolences to the Family and to the DSWT.
Carolyn Mercer
Posted 14 April 2018
What an incredible woman and such an inspiration to the world! Dame Daphne Sheldricks work is something that the world will be forever grateful for. My deepest condolences to her family.
Carol Smith
Posted 14 April 2018
It has been such a pleasure and honour to follow the work of Dame Daphne over so many years and to support orphan elephants at DSWT which I shall continue. She has left a tremendous legacy which gives hope for elephants in the future. My sincerest condolences to the family and staff at DSWT. Carol Smith
Katherine Watkinson
Posted 14 April 2018
So sorry what a remarkable lady she was. The little ellies will miss her greatly as will all those close to her.
May her legacy continue in the protection of wildlife.
Larissa Suter
Posted 14 April 2018
My heart goes out to Dame Daphne’s family. The world has lost a wonderful human and I admire everything she has done for wildlife conservation. Thank you for continuing what she started.
Dena Gamble
Posted 14 April 2018
So sorry for all what an amazing person Dame Daphne was sent with love and respect.
Irena Riisla
Posted 14 April 2018
So sorry for your loss! Daphne was and will be forever a true inspiration helping so many beautiful creatures to survive and being such a big part in Kenyas and worlds conservation. I truly loved reading her book Love Life and Elephants: An African Love Story. DSWT thank you for continuing this so important work Daphne has started. RIP beautiful soul and now you finally get to meet your beloved David again.
Vivienne Mitchinson
Posted 14 April 2018
R.I.P. Dame Daphne. Your memory and good work will live on in our hearts forever. Vivienne Mitchinson xxxx
Ivy Seeds
Posted 14 April 2018
I did not get the chance to meet your sweet mother. I had planned to travel to DSWT in 2019. After my 3 years in Singapore and falling in love with elephants returning to the states and adopting a few DSWT fosters I was hoping to get to meet your mother. I spread the word as much as I can to friends and family of her story. May she RIP. I know she is with the love of her life and they together are now watching over all these precious animals.