In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Posted 28 April 2018

I am sincerely sorry for your loss. I have been reading your mother’s autobiography when I received the sad news and even though I didn’t get the chance to meet her in person, I somehow felt close to her.
She was a true pioneer in so many ways!

Thank you for continuing her work the way you do!
Hopefully I will get the chance to visit and see Maisha myself one day.

Kathelijne Bonne

Posted 28 April 2018

Just this morning as I was having coffee and talking with my mother about your book ‘Love, Life and Elephants’, and the amazing and important things you did, we checked the DSWT website and were shocked to find out about your passing. You and the people around you, and so many people around the world, will continue your legacy and contribute to a better world for humans and animals. But still so much hard work is needed… let’s all do what we can. Good luck and determination to all at the DSWT.

Elizabeth Walden

Posted 28 April 2018

Such a sad loss for the family, both human & elephant & a great loss to the world of conservation. Dame Daphne has left an amazing legacy of which her family should be very proud & the world eternally grateful. I had the privilege of attending an event at which she spoke a few years ago. It was a moving & humbling experience & I shall forever treasure the memory of that whilst I continue to support her work, albeit in such a minor way via the Fostering programme. Thank you, Dame Daphne for your tireless work on behalf of those that do not have a voice of their own. You gave them that voice

Maria da Conceição Rocheteau

Posted 27 April 2018

Tendo tomado conhecimento do passamento da Dr Dame Daphne Sheldrick venho manifestar o meu pesar, lamentando a partida de alguém que, em vida, foi um exemplo de dedicação e amor pela causa da preservação da vida selvagem, mais precisamente dos elefantes.
Foi para mim uma honra ter presenciado os resultados da sua coragem, dedicação e zelo.
A sua partida deixa uma lacuna que dificilmente será preenchida, mas desejo que o exemplo da sua luta continue a inspirar as filhas e comunidade a que pertenceu, de forma a que o precioso legado,os seus ideais e a sua nobre missão tenham continuidade.

As minhas sentidas condolências.

Susan Phillips

Posted 27 April 2018

Daphne was indeed a MATRIARCH and dedicated her time to save hundred of elephants. She will always be appreciated and I will always remember my short visit to the Nursery in 2012. Rest in peace and a real inspiration. So pleased that Angela and family will continue to help these wonderful animals.

Dawna Maria Alvarado

Posted 27 April 2018

This wonderful woman is my hero. She has inspired me to work for the freedom and welfare for all elephants I love so dearly. She is my spiritual mother and I will always love her all the way here in Lake County California.

In loving thoughts,

Dawna Maria Alvarado
Mbegu and Kenze’s foster mom

Nancy Chenoweth

Posted 27 April 2018

To have the world mourn your passing is to have lived an exquisite life. The land and all that walk upon it have been blessed to have you.

Leslie Tawfik

Posted 16 April 2018

Dear Angela,

Although I know your mother lived life to the fullest according to her conscientious and expansive sense of right, and was gifted with the capacity for making the most of all the joy that came her way, I will miss her very much.

Although I never met Dame Daphne, she was so present to me through her book and through your Foundation. Her loving spirit was so evident in all the histories and video clips of the babies. Her life is a light.

I have not been much in touch in the last 2 years or so but I will go to your website and see how I can be most useful.

My warmest sympathies,
Leslie Tawfik

Aimee Thorpe

Posted 14 April 2018

Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of this incredible lady who touched so many precious lives. The wisdom grace heart and courage with which she lived her life is inspirational. A true icon of conservation she will always be remembered for her pioneering work and lifetime’s devotion.
Sincerest condolences to Dame Daphne’s family and all at the DSWT. I have given a donation in honour and respect to Dame Daphne and all that she stood for. Long may her legacy continue.
If I had millions I would give it nothing is more valuable than the conservation of the natural world! But I am a student currently studying for a degree in natural sciences out of my passion for conservation in the hope that I can make some worthwhile contribution to nature conservation. Dame Daphne is a hero of mine and the example she set inspires me during the difficult times to persevere through my studies in order to try and make this world a better place for wildlife.
Peace and love. Aimee Thorpe

Trudy Cambridge

Posted 14 April 2018

A great woman and pioneer in elephant conservation. She will be greatly missed but her life and legacy will live on in Africa forever……..just wish there were more like her helping wildlife conservation!! Rest in peace Daphne!!

Christine Anderson

Posted 14 April 2018

What a wonderful human being and gift to the world your mother was. May she rest in peace knowing her legacy lives on.

Theresa Kolmodin

Posted 14 April 2018

What an incredible loss to the Sheldrick family and to the world of conservation! We grieve with you.

Valerie Smith

Posted 14 April 2018

Your legacy will live on and everyone is grateful for your hard work and dedication to your elephant and human families. May you rest in peace God Bless – val

Suresh Ramaswamy

Posted 14 April 2018

May her soul rest in peace with God. Best wishes for continuing her mission

Ms Winifred M. Ersu

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so sad to hear the news of Daphne’s death. I’ll never forget the two occasions on which I met her at the Orphanage in 1993 2006. What a dedicated life she lived and what a great legacy she has left. I’m sure the Trust is in safe hands with her daughter Angela all her dedicated team that its wonderful work will continue for many years to come. Mave Ersu.

Sheenagh Sykes

Posted 14 April 2018

I have been privileged to foster elephants for nearly 40 and Dame Daphne has been an inspiration to me. She will be sorely missed and I’m sure that the elephants will know as they did for Lawrence author of the Elephant Whisperer. Her personal struggle is over but her wonderful family will carry on the work that she started with her husband.

Joy Yateman

Posted 14 April 2018

My family’s condolences to your family DSWT the elephant wildlife world in losing a very special lady. Rest in peace Daphne together again with David. Joy Yateman

Rachael Mayfield-Blake

Posted 14 April 2018

I first came into contact with your incredible mother when I asked to volunteer at the sanctuary and received a hand written reply and photos explaining why I couldnt in the most generous way. We then years later met and I was amazed by how humble Daphnie was in light of all she had achieved. Elephants are so lucky to have had her and her legacy will continue. Good luck with the work in the future. You will make her proud Im sure.

Heidemaria Sasse

Posted 14 April 2018

In the honor of Dame Daphne Sheldrick!What a sadness. I can stop my tears from falling. Thank you so much for your good work. I will miss you everey day in the future. Rest in Peace by your beloved husband David.

Lesley Ramm

Posted 14 April 2018

In memory of truly wonderful woman. A person who has made a difference in the best way possible.