In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Susie Lankey

Posted 5 May 2018

Dame Daphne will be sorely missed around the world but especially by her family and all the staff. She will never be forgotten, leaves a wonderful legacy and we will continue to support the DSWT. RIP Daphne


Posted 5 May 2018

Thank you for being inspiring! Being – because inspiration cannot die.

Ingrid Taitl

Posted 5 May 2018

Thank you for your phantastic work with the orphans, R.I.P


Posted 5 May 2018

Unfortunatly I never met Daphne Sheldrick in person but I am very impressed and touched by her work for those wonderful animals. She never gave up and laid all of her heart into her work. Everything I heard and read about her, gave me the impression that Daphne Sheldrick was a strong person with a huge and loving heart for animals and humans. Her life‘s work will be unforgotten and touched so many people. She was a great person.
For her family and friends I wish all the best and lots of strength to cope with this lost.
Sending Love from Germany,

Kory and Duane Moore

Posted 4 May 2018

Dear Angela, Jill and the DSWT Team,
My husband and I are so very sorry for your loss. We have visited the Nursery and Ithumba twice since 2016. And have been supporters since 2014(?). Regrettably we never met Dame Daphne, but we are so very proud to be apart, in our own small way, of her mission. Every orphan elephant deserves the chance to return to the wild!!!
Last November, 2018 we were so fortunate to see Nasalot and Nusu in Tsavo. We also visited with Narok, Orwa and Bomani, Challa and Rapsa (huge boys), and all of the dependent orphans. She did that. Daphne made that happen. She was an extraordinary woman!
Keep up the good fight. We will support the best way we can.

Our heartfelt condolences and Love! Kory and Duane Moore

Karin Höhle

Posted 4 May 2018

Liebe Familie Sheldick,

ich bin über den Tod von Mrs. Dr. Daphne Sheldrick sehr traurig und ich übersende Ihnen mein allertiefstes Beileid!

Ich habe Mrs. Sheldrick sehr bewundert und bin ihr für ihr unendlich großes Engagement für die Elefanten sehr dankbar. Sie war eine tolle Frau und ich hätte sie sehr gerne noch persönlich kennengelernt.

Ich bin sicher, dass sie nun bei ihrem Mann David und auch bei ihrer geliebten Elefantenwaise Aisha “Shmetty” ist und bei all denen, die sie im Leben geliebt hat und die vor ihr gegangen sind.

Ich wünsche Ihnen, den beiden Töchtern Angela und Jill und der gesamten Familie viel Kraft und Gottes Segen während dieser schweren Zeit!
Ich weiß, dass Sie das Vermächtnis von Daphne ebenso toll und engagiert weiterführen werden!

Ich verneige mich vor Mrs. Daphne Sheldrick und sage einfach nur DANKE-THANKYOU!

Karin Höhle

Andrea Luckstein

Posted 4 May 2018

Ich bin sehr trsurig, dass Daphne gestorben ist. Aber sie lebt in jedem geretteten Elefanten weiter. Welch tolle Frau, ich verehre sie.

Martin Schmid

Posted 4 May 2018

RIP, great woman.

Heidrun Hückstädt

Posted 4 May 2018

Many thanks to a wonderful woman for everything she achieved in her life

Karla Schäfer

Posted 4 May 2018

Leider ist mein Englisch nicht gut genug, um die richtigen Worte zu finden. Daphne Sheldrick hat eine so wunderbare Arbeit geleistet, für die nie genug gedankt werden kann. Ich habe nie die Möglichkeit gehabt, sie kennenlernen zu dürfen, aber ich habe ihr Buch gelesen und ihren Mut und ihre Ausdauer und auch ihr Durchsetzungsvermögen bewundert.

Hoffen wir, dass die Menschheit ihr Andenken in Ehren hält und ihre geliebten grauen Riesen in Frieden weiter leben können.

Désirée Daniel

Posted 4 May 2018

I am so sad that she has passed away. She inspired me in helping and loving Elephants and my wish to have an Foster Baby came true. Dear Daphne Rest in Peace and thank you for all you have done to our prechious Elephants. Your dream came true. We all meet us one Day in Paradiese.
Désirée from Bochum, Germany

Ines Schumann

Posted 4 May 2018

Thanks for all what you have done for generations of elefants and all the other animals. It will be unforgettable. You are an shining example around the world.
Ines Schumann


Posted 4 May 2018

Sie war eine beindruckende Frau und hat in ihrem Leben großartiges geleistet – es ist für alle ein schwerer Verlust. R.I.P.

Heidrun Kauert

Posted 4 May 2018

What a loss for the elephants, for kenya, the Family and the world.
So sad , Daphne was a fascinating and impressive woman. Rest in Peace, and may your work continue

Marsha Squibb

Posted 4 May 2018

I am so very sorry for the loss of your mother…..I will miss her beautiful water colors….r.i.p. lovely lady, your daughter will carry on your exceptional work….thank you for all you do at the Sheldrick foundation….so so sad

Julia and Cody

Posted 4 May 2018

Hi Angela,

I heard the news of your mothers passing. I wanted to reach out and send Cody and my love to you and your family. I’m sure you must have been overwhelmed and probably still are with the outpouring of supporters from all over the world. Your obituary was so beautifully written and it is indeed comforting knowing that her passion for saving elephants and other species is continuing. Her legacy certainly lives on and she is honestly one of the most inspiring women I’ve ever met. I’m so grateful Cody and I got to meet her on our first trip to Kenya. She struck me immediately as a strong woman with a heart of gold. And I felt so grateful and privileged to help with the music for your organization’s film projects, especially the tribute you asked us to compose music for when she was honored at the Jackson Hole Film Festival. And I know Cody also took great pleasure in joining in this passion with his music as well. It evolved into a special collaboration.

I bet Daphne was incredibly proud of you for how committed you’ve been in growing your family’s organization. You are probably a big source of comfort knowing she passed the torch to you.

One day when our little Malia is older, (maybe 6?), we want to bring her to meet the baby elephants and teach her about how important it is to respect animals and their natural habitat. She just turned 2 and loves looking at her African savannah mural with elephants on her wall in the nursery. We say goodnight to all the animals on her wall before bedtime. I told her the baby elephant’s name is Kithaka. How is he by the way??? He’s my favorite!

We send huge hugs your way,


Julia (and Cody)

Martin and Ingrid den Boer

Posted 3 May 2018

We only have time for rent… making the most of it to give every individual a safe corner on Mother Earth, was what Daphne did, for so many elephants and their (non-)human family she succeed! Thank you so much for being who you are. Now only one thought away…
Our deepest condolances for family, friends.

Lynn Sanchez

Posted 3 May 2018

My condolences to Mrs. Sheldrick’s family and all whose life she has touched…
I have made a contribution in the memory of this compassionate, extraordinary women.
God bless you Daphne Sheldrick💖

Christine and Lawrence Carrigan

Posted 3 May 2018

What a wonderful and amazing lady, an African Love Story was totally enriching to read and helped to share the beautiful experience of these wild animals. So much love and care, would loved to have been there with Daphne.


Posted 3 May 2018

One of life’s precious jewels, Daphne made a huge impact on this world and her passing will leave an enormous gap. But what a legacy she leaves us with. Rest In Peace Daphne, and we will miss you.