In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Horst Koch

Posted 8 May 2018

Dear Dame Daphne Sheldrick,

thank you for all in the name of the elephants and all the other animals you have saved!

I will never forget what you and your husband David have done for the African elephants and

all the other animals.

With great respect!

Horst Koch

Shirley Ann Harker

Posted 8 May 2018

Our deepest condolences on your loss of such a wonderful woman, your mother, grandmother, friend and colleague.
Very few humans have contributed to this earth to the extent that she has, striving to save all animals, not just the elephants, helping the people, ecosystem and conservation of Africa.
We are very grateful to her for all her constant work, effort and love in the creation of the nursery and reintegration units, it’s as if she has done it for all of us.
We were lucky to meet Dame Daphne on three occasions at the nursery in the ‘90’s, she was lovely on each occasion and a joy to listen to.
Although it is heartbreaking that she has gone, it is a blessing that she was here for so many creatures and people, to save and improve lives and for the great number of people that she made aware of conservation needs.
She has certainly had a life well lived.

Wishing you all the very best to continue her work as she intended and strength at this difficult time.

Shirley and Anthony

Jane Horton

Posted 7 May 2018

I was very fortunate to see first hand the work of Daphne and her team when I visited the Nairobi orphanage in 2007. I just thank God that the elephants have had a voice and an angel looking after them in Daphne.
Such a great loss but her legacy will live on forever.
Jane Horton – UK

Patrick Reith

Posted 7 May 2018

Eine grossartige Frau, die eine Vision zu einer Mission gemacht hat! Es gibt nur wenige solcher engagierten Menschen, denen alles andere wichtiger ist als sie selbst. Ihr Erbe wird hoffentlich bestehen bleiben und die Mission wird hoffentlich weitergehen.

Marion Ziegler

Posted 7 May 2018

Manche menschen hinterlassen Spuren und erreichen Großes – ich verneige mich in grosser Wertschätzung vor Deinem Leben und Deiner Arbeit

Bettina Bremer

Posted 7 May 2018

Daphne Sheldrick hat eine Verbundenheit mit den Elefanten gezeigt, die mich beeindruckt hat. Ich betraure ihren Tod und wünsche allen, die ihre Arbeit fortsetzen, viel Kraft.
Bettina Bremer

Janie Lowde

Posted 7 May 2018

I was saddened to hear of your mother’s death, but heartened to know that her wonderful legacy lives on through you, your family and all at DSWT.

She lived a life filled with interest and joy as well as heartache and still gave of herself to help helpless creatures.

She will be missed – my sincere condolences.

Beverley Annn Picavet

Posted 7 May 2018

Thank you for your outstanding commitment to elephants and the wild life in Africa. You changed a lot for the better.

Andrea Michaela Müller

Posted 7 May 2018

Liebe Daphne Sheldrick,

Sie haben etwas unvergessliches geschaffen, ein Lebenswerk, wovon man sich nur wünschen kann, dass es viel mehr dieser Menschen gäbe, die solch großartige, nachhaltige, sinnvolle und wunderbare Projekte ins Leben rufen und aufbauen.

Möge Gottes Segen für immer mit Ihrem Haus und Ihrer Farm sein und möge der Schutz der Elefanten in Ihrem Sinne weitergeführt werden.

Mit großem Respekt
Andrea Michaela Müller

Kirsten Liesenberg

Posted 7 May 2018

***unglaublich und faszinierend, was diese Frau geleistet hat***

Kathy Hester

Posted 6 May 2018

My deepest sympathy to the family,workers and elephants (and other animals) at DSWT with the passing of Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick. I have just recently started using You Tube, and started watching the videos that you have posted. What a wonderful legacy she has left behind; I wish all of you success in continuing on with what she and her husband started.

Since I have started watching the videos I have never thought of the workers as keepers. To me you are Guardians. You watch over and guard the eles (and other animals), to care, feed, nurture and comfort them for years and then let them go. You are their guardians of their future and you are guardians of our planet and our future so that we will have the elephants here in our midst. You now have your own Guardian Angel watching over all of you and the eles. Dame Daphne is watching over all. I wonder; do the eles know she is gone?

My income is such as I cannot send any funds to support your work at this time; maybe in the future. Please know that all of the humans and eles are tucked into my prayers.

Ulrich Gehringer

Posted 6 May 2018

In tiefer Trauer und voller Bewunderung für dieses Engagement und diese Lebensleistung.

Karen, Heather & Michael Gordon

Posted 6 May 2018

To all at the DSWT.

We were all very sorry to hear that Dame Daphne Sheldrick has passed away. What a wonderful women she was with her love of and tireless work for the elephants and other wildlife.

We send or our most sincere condolences to you all. Our thoughts are with you.

Karen, Heather & Michael
East Sussex, England

Hannelore Schmidt

Posted 6 May 2018

Ich möchte mein aufrichtiges Mitgefühl zum Ableben dieser großartigen
Frau ausdrücken. Seit Jahren sind wir in Kenia zu Gast. Dann besuchen
Wir immer das Elefantenwaisenhaus in Voi. Wir unterstützen die Arbeit
der Organisation durch Patenschaften für verwaiste Elefanten. Es ist schön
Zu sehen wie diese sensiblen Tiere aufgezogen werden und dann wieder
Zu ihren Artgenossen in die Wildnis entlassen werden. Alles Gute für Daphnes Familie und haltet Ihr Vermächtnis in Ehren.

Hannelore und Manfred Schmidt

Sonja Kramaric

Posted 6 May 2018

I’ m so sorrow.
Love Daphne, fly to David in heaven
and life together in paradise with Jesus.
See you soon. Than the life is short
and you make the best work in Africa.
You has saved the animals.
Lords creating!

Allyson Roberts

Posted 6 May 2018

Dame Daphne Sheldrick is an inspiration of how it is possible to transform lives through compassion, determination and vision. The lives of young orphan elephants, saved and supported through the work of DSWT was her focus, but she has also touched the lives of so many human communities. She has tried to show the world how a human heart must respect and value the animal world. She has shown how humanity must and can step back from its arrogant position to allow for a different set of values.
As a foster parent to some of the young orphans, it is particularly sad to hear of Sokotei’s recent death. Dame Daphne created a family of people passionate about wildlife. I have followed Sokotei’s short life through the keeper’s diaries and constant information made available by Dame Daphne’s daughters and family. All great force to you for continuing in the wonderful spirit that Dame Daphne so much upheld. She is a most special beacon of light.
Thank you.

Una Johnston

Posted 6 May 2018

I kind of knew this news would come one day, but I’m still so very sad and upset to hear of Daphne’s passing.

Maryann Budin

Posted 5 May 2018

I became aware in 2014 how horrible the elephant poaching crisis was becoming. I suffered an extreme bout with depression over knowing the tortuous death these elephants suffered. I then learned of DSWT and the angel Dame Daphne and slowly started to feel that at least there is hope for these orphaned and injured elephants. She truly made so many of us aware just how “human like elephants are.” I am so glad her wonderful work will be carried on by her family. Your organization will always have my support.

Evie keane

Posted 5 May 2018

We can never thank you enough for all you have done for conservation, wildlife, sustainability and the world. God bless your family.

Eileen Isberg

Posted 5 May 2018

The world and her family has lost a wonderful Lady with a heart of gold.
I’m very sad and lost for words
God Bless you Dame Daphne and thankyou for all your great and generous works.