In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Elizabeth Dietz

Posted 12 May 2018

My love, thoughts and prayers to Angela and the whole David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust family. Dame Daphne inspires/inspired so many. For all those elephants that are now wild…having babies of their own….it is an amazing legacy that will keep going. She inspires me in her love and commitment to those elephants, the wildlife but also how she ‘turned the page’ when her beloved husband, David, passed away. So strong she was…..I need to be that way, too. God Bless you, Dame Daphne.

Grace McGowan

Posted 12 May 2018

Where to begin? Daphne’s loss is huge but the impact she had on the lives of hundreds of elephants will resonate for years to come. I am so grateful to Daphne and all who work at the sanctuary for saving these amazing, beautiful animals.

Daphne will always be a shining example of compassion and humanity, long may she be remembered.



Posted 12 May 2018

An amazing lady who inspired many and will continue to do so. A light that will never go out..thank you Dame Daphne for your love and compassion you leave a beautiful legacy and much love to all who carry on her work.

Rajah Krtschmarsch

Posted 11 May 2018

Was für eine großartige Frau! Ich teile ihre Liebe zu Elefanten und fühle mit der Familie von Daphne Sheldrick. Sie hat Ihr Leben den Tieren in Afrika gewidmet und wird vielen Menschen in besonderer Erinnerung bleiben!

Tony Lai

Posted 11 May 2018

RIP Daphne. May your spirit roam free amongst all your beloved elephants on the plains of Africa.

Karen Brechtel

Posted 10 May 2018

I was gifted an orphaned elephant by my brother many years ago and he re-gifts Olare to me every Christmas. I am very saddened to learn of Daphne’s passing. She has earned her place in Heaven.

Dear Lord,
Please wrap your loving arms around the Sheldrick family in this difficult time and help them to continue her legacy for the good of the animals.

Dirk Heck-Boldebuck

Posted 10 May 2018

My thoughts are with Daphne Sheldrick’s family.

She will be remembered as a powerful woman. She has reached a lot for the elephants. But there is still hard work for us to save the elephants.

I had the honour to meet Daphne some twenty years ago visiting the nursery near Nairobi. She impressed me. And this lasts. I won’t forget her.


Posted 10 May 2018

I was very sad reading about Daphne’s death. She was an incredible Person doing so much for the elephants, thank you Daphne !
My honest condolences to all the Family, and I hope you will go on with her work as passionate as she did.

Suzanne Sandmeier

Posted 10 May 2018

One evening a few years ago I watched “the elephant that loved too much” it changed my life. I now sign hundreds of petitions & donate to many animal sanctuary’s. Your mother is my hero & gives me hope that their are such caring people in the world. I will honor her by continuing to raise my voice against the atroscities that suffer our beautiful wild animals that share this planet with us. She now watches over them all with angel wings. Thank you for gracing the planet with your love.


Monika Pieroth

Posted 9 May 2018

Liebe Daphne,

mögest Du in Frieden ruhen. Ich würde mir wünschen, dass es noch mehr Menschen gäbe, die für den Tierschutz ein solches Engagement zeigt wie Du. Dieses Projekt, Rettet die Elefanten, ist wirklich toll. Alle Tiere dieser Welt haben unseren Schutz verdiehnt, weil nämlich der Mensch das größte Raubtier ist.

Es ist schön, dass Dein Projekt in Deinem Sinne weiter geführt wird. Ich wünsche diesen Menschen viel Energie und Kraft, so dass wir noch lange Zeit die Elefanten in freier Natur erleben dürfen.


Rula lenska

Posted 9 May 2018

Beautiful wonderful Daphne,
A treasured friend shining example and dedicated conservationist who will forever be in a special place in my heart and humdreds of others.
I so treasure the conversations I had with her. The magical visits to Nairobi and Tsavo.
The stories and information and love she passed on to me.
I know that her daughters and the incredible dedicated teams will, as you rest surrounded by angels, continue on her pioneering determined path.
I sent her family and all the keepers and of course all the elephants my love and blessings and strength.
May this truly wonderful woman remain I shining beacon to us all. So v v v proud to have known her over so many years …….. Wonderful Daphne ….may you rest surrounded by angels. Xx
Rula Lenska

Marga Pizarro de Fretz

Posted 9 May 2018

Te deseo mucha paz en el cielo con David e tus elefantes. Muchas gracias por tu esforza incansable para todos los animales. Yo echo de menos Usted.

Margie Hutchison - ex Mufulira, Zambia

Posted 9 May 2018

My Deepest & Sincerest Sympathy to you All in the passing of this remarkable lady, Your dearest Mum.
What an amazing Mother she was to you & hundreds of orphans over so many years.

Visiting her Orphanage where she used to live is definitely on my bucket list – Sooner than


Margie Hutchison

Sally Leadbitter

Posted 9 May 2018

I didn’t know you, I wish I did. You were amazing and it is so encouraging to know that your family are continuing your legacy. The lives you touched are spread across the world and there will be hole no-one else will be capable of filling. The elephants will miss you sorely I am sure, but you will be close to them in spirit, always. Thank you for all you did. Rest well.

Charlotte Price

Posted 8 May 2018

Rest in peace Daphne. Thank you so much for your life’s work and pure dedication to orphaned Elephants and African wildlife. You have them all a second chance at life and I cannot thank you enough. I was lucky enough to visit the Trust last year and it amazed me how truly magical it is.
Your love and devotion could be felt as soon as I walked in.
You will be missed so much by so many but I know you will walk among the Elephants now and keep them safe.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and God Bless.

Arline Fass

Posted 8 May 2018

I remember seeing her on TV, I think it was 60 Minutes, and thinking what a great person she was and wishing there were a whole lot more on this planet like her. She did wonderful work for wildlife, and I hope her work will continue on.

Margaret Garfoot

Posted 8 May 2018

Such a sad time for elephant lovers worldwide but we must be so thankful that so many sick and injured elephants were saved because of Dame Daphne’s work. I was so lucky to be invited to London for the celebration when Daphne became a Dame and that was such an honour for me to meet this remarkable lady. I have visited the elephant orphanage on many occasions and the love and work that goes into rearing a baby is inspiring and those visits are something that I will never forget. The wonderful work that is done will carry on but Dame Daphne will be remembered by me and thousands of other people for her dedication and passion over so many years. Thanks for the memories. x

Philip Waterer

Posted 8 May 2018

May your Legacy be everlasting as befits a true Matriarch.

Tina Smythe

Posted 8 May 2018

Dame Daphne thank you for all you did and the wonder legacy you leave us with – I had one of the happiest and most wonderful days of my life when visited the orphanage in Nov 2016 and it will live in my heart and memory forever, I hope to come back . I first heard of the orphanage and your work the early 80’s and fostered a baby elephant with DSWT unfortunately due to the break up of my marriage I missed a few years but have fostered a baby Ellie – or several (currently 4) for many years now, RIP you deserve it, you will never be forgot. Luv Tina xxx

Stephen and Wendy Farrington

Posted 8 May 2018

An inspirational woman, brave and focused. We were privileged to visit the sanctuary a few years ago and were profoundly moved by the experience. Very few people make such a massive difference for good in their lifetime, Daphne Sheldrick was one.