In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Ian Games

Posted 12 May 2018

Hi Angela
Hope that you and your family are ok.
Losing a parent, especially when you are so close, is a major body blow. And takes time to get over.
Just to let you know that we think about Daphne often and are pleased to have known her.

Mona Finkelstein

Posted 12 May 2018

In our world there are the special humans who leave a huge void when they’ve passed. Dame Daphne because of your brilliant and outstanding life caring for the foundations mandate, you have touched so many lives within the elephant world as well as the line minded human world. I will always keep you in my mind and heart. Never had the privilege to me you but know you as a sister. Your work will be rememberd for many years. Very much missed and very much grateful to you.

florette and ronald lynn

Posted 12 May 2018

In 2011 we traveled to Kenya on a safari and on our last day, visited the sheldrick center in nairobi. so happy to see the elephant babies their caretakers and milk time. we fostered and our grand daughters collected money to foster an elephant. Our synagogue at its “mitzvah mall” collected money for the sheldrick center and our students pieced together a blanket.

Corinne Friday

Posted 12 May 2018

To all who knew and loved Dame Daphne, I extend my sincere condolences. She was and still is, an incredible spirit who has left an indelible mark on this earth, her compassion and strength has influenced many and she has left an incredible legacy. She will be dearly missed. 🐘❤🐘

Johliene Phillips (nee Wiseman)

Posted 12 May 2018

RIP Dame Daphne. I like to think that you have now met all the mummy elephants on Rainbow Bridge, and told them all how wonderfully well their babies are doing, and how loved they all are by everyone at DSWT. Your work will be remembered forever. Thank you.

Pamela Peltola

Posted 12 May 2018

My husband Bill and I learned about DSWT in FB and began fostering elephants. Since then I have read both her books- and passed them to others. Her life, David’s memory and the continued work of everyone at the trust Never cease to amaze and captivate us! Our only wish is that we were worth millions and could support DSWT much more! Congratulations to Daphne’s family on your work and we are so sorry for your loss.

Christine Helen P. Eustaquio

Posted 12 May 2018

To the family of Dame Daphne,
Please know how much I held her in high esteem and how she has encouraged me to advocate for animals in the small way that I can. Her death diminishes humankind. She truly a remarkable person and is largely responsible for the safety of elephants in Africa. She has left a legacy of compassion and a sense of urgency for the protection of wildlife all over the world. Her name will be synonymous with love for animals.
My deepest sympathy,


Posted 12 May 2018

Thank you so very much Dame Daphne for your love of our special wild animals and elephants. You are an Angel and we will always remember you with gratitude and love.❤️🐘

nikki young

Posted 12 May 2018

I first met Daphne in 1989 and will never forget the powerful message that she delivered about the work that goes on daily at the DSWT. A very special lady that has made a huge difference. I have been to the orphanage in Nairobi a few times and it is always a very special treat. I will once again be visiting there in another three weeks. I’m sure that Daphne’s presence will be felt. Bless you all for the work that you do.


Posted 12 May 2018

May your soul rest in peace. You have done the wonderful work in the world to the beautiful species, elephant.

Marla Porter

Posted 12 May 2018

And how shall we find the Kingdom of Heaven? Just follow Dame Daphne, she will show you the way.

Jacqueline Adams

Posted 12 May 2018

The world may have lost a unique human being but heaven has gained a beautiful soul.

As an sponsor for many years & having been privileged to have visited Nairobi, Voi & Ithumba on more than one occasion & had the fortune to have met Dame Daphne I know her legacy will live forever.

On my last visit I took my 32 year old son so he could see the work being done first hand & ensure he will continue sponsoring when I am gone.
God bless you all.

Marilyn Cattell

Posted 12 May 2018

A true Heroine. She thought me that animals have souls, emotions, and they respond so much to any love we give them. A true pioneer. My deepest sympathy to her lovely family and to all who worked with her. 💕💕


Posted 12 May 2018

Many people just talk about change, but this amazing woman created it. Thank you God for loaning Daphne to the world. Her legacy reminds us that people really can make a difference.

Nancey Enell

Posted 12 May 2018

There are certain people in the world who you know are touched of God…
When I first saw Dame Daphne with an Elephant with her husband at Tsavo I knew..
It was only a photograph …
But you could tell by the Elephants face that it knew the it was talking to an Angel…
Thank You for sharing with us what that Elephant saw…
Thank you for saving God’s Creatutes.. Great and Small
For God created them all.
May your example of Love and Kindness and Tenderness fill the hearts and minds of everyone so that The Elephants you so dearly loved will be saved..
You were quite simply an Angel.

Maree Cross

Posted 12 May 2018

My deepest condolences to the family, and friends (2 legged and four) of Dame Daphne Sheldrick. I have been so inspired by this wonderful lady – an example of humanity at it’s finest. I first heard of Dame Daphne’s work when I was a young mother and swore to myself that as soon as I re-entered the workforce and earned my own money again, I would adopt some baby elephants – which I did. Dame Daphne, you have filled my heart with love and hope for a world where humanity takes its rightful place as true caretaker of our world and all the creatures upon it. May you rest in peace and be re-united with the precious souls of those sweet orphans who could not stay long on this Earth. With love and thanks for all you have done for the elephants, Maree Cross, Melbourne, Australia.

Bryony Aust

Posted 12 May 2018

I’ve loved elephants since I was a child and it has been a dream of mine to see them in the wild. On one of my first holidays to Kenya I visited the elephant orphanage and was able to see and touch the young ones. From then on I have followed the work of the David Sheldrick Trust, sponsoring a baby each year. I have learnt so much about elephant behaviour and emotions from the website and news letters. Her book An African Love Story was so inspirational too. Thanks to Daphne, she has enriched my life and inspired me, teaching me that one small effort can grow and go a long way. The number of elephants that are now living wild thanks to Daphne is proof that it can work. I’m confident her legacy will continue for many years in the hands of her children and grandchildren. Rest in peace Daphne. You will be sorely missed.

Natalie Geleschun

Posted 12 May 2018

I first met Daphne 20 years ago, then and up until she passed over she was an incredible strong presence in the lives of so many. This kind of legacy cannot be dimmed. Like the animals she loved so fiecerly her soul is bigger than most of us.Her family so important and deeply loved by her , have my sincere condolences and deep love I am sure she is watching over you proud of all you will accomplish. Although Daphne’s mortal body has gone her legacy and spirit is strong and beats on in many hearts. Thank you Daphne for your incredible heart,your tenacity, your light and your love. 🐘🐘🐘❤️

Maria McLean

Posted 12 May 2018

Condolences on the loss of your founder.

I became more interested in elephants after discovering the work Dame Daphne was doing and find it all absolutely fascinating!
Elephants are such wonderful, gentle and intelligent creatures. Your tireless work, started by Dame Daphne, is so enormous and important. The time scale and numbers involved in your rescue efforts, in comparison to the big picture of terrible destruction caused by man is humbling.

It must be truly rewarding to be accepted and trusted by an elephant.

I hope that your efforts in the legacy of Dame Daphne, continue to help the survival of elephants and other wildlife that deserve their futures!
Following your work has certainly given me new insights…..


Posted 12 May 2018

You will always have a place in my heart