In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Tracy Cronje

Posted 12 May 2018

In memory of Dame Daphne, a person whom I truly admired. She was an amazing woman who left behind a wonderful living legacy.

My thoughts and prayers are with all at DWST at this time. She will live on for all time in the lives of all who carry on her incredible work.

Judith Romero

Posted 12 May 2018

Rest In Peace Dame Daphne Sheldrick. You were and continue to be such an inspiration to us all about how to care for and respect wildlife. You were an amazing person, one of the best examples of our species. May your legacy live on. To everyone that knew and worked with Dame Daphne, I mourn with you the passing of this great matriarch.

Melina K.

Posted 12 May 2018

Same Daphne made me fall in love with elephants. She made me understand what loving creatures they are and how they are not only beautiful on the outside. I love God’s creation, but she made appreciate it more. For that, I will be eternally grateful.
My most sincere condolences to all who knew and love Dame Daphne.
1 Cor. 1:3,4; Rev. 21:4

Patricia Rodríguez

Posted 12 May 2018

Daphne fué amor verdadero para muchos, desde su familia hasta muchos otros seres, pero especialmente a esos elefantitos huérfanos que de no ser por ella y sus colaboradores ya no existieran y me sirve de inspiración para tratar de ser como ella que amó incondicionalmente a la naturaleza. 💕💕💕💕

David Viviers

Posted 12 May 2018

The world has lost it’s kindest soul. You will always be remembered by those that care for nature. A sad day it was for me upon learning of your departure. God’s blessings on all that you have done for those that were in need of your love and caring Dame Daphne. RIP.

Marinella Proenca

Posted 12 May 2018

Dame Daphne touched my heart…. By all that she has done for the elephants and other animals….
My soul grieved when she passed on…. But I am confident DSWT will carry on her legacy…

Anne M Vallotton

Posted 12 May 2018

Dame Sheldrick has been an inspiration to all the world on how one person can take a vision and turn it into reality. That reality is now saving a species and will some day save this earth. Thank you, Daphne. May you and David rest peacefully in sweet reunion in a Heaven.

Melinda Brown

Posted 12 May 2018

My deepest condolences to the family of Dame Daphne Sheldrick. My love of elephants began when I was young child and my mother read Babar books to me. As an adult my passion for elephants deepened when reading “Love, Life and Elephants”. I am now actively involved in numerous advocacy groups for elephants and other wildlife and am the “foster mom” to Tagwa and Musiara.

The world (especially the elephant world) lost a true angel recently with Dame Sheldrick’s passing. What an amazing life Dame Sheldrick led. What an inspiration to those of us who cherish, respect and love all wildlife and animals.

I will be visiting Africa for my first time later this week and starting a three week safari with a trip to The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Nursery. I know this will be a life changing trip and visit for me. Thank you Dame Sheldrick for all that you have done to make this world a better place.

To the family of Dame Sheldrick, please know that her life has made a significant impact on this Colorado girl and that I am sending my heartfelt condolences.

danielle rubens

Posted 12 May 2018

Dear Dame Daphne , words can not express how grateful I am for having the chance to meet you on 2 occasions . I admire you so much for your dedication towards the orphan elephants and also other animal orphans ; It is with great sadness that the world heard about your passing . You are gone , but your legacy will remain and you are for always in my heart . My sincere condolences to the family , friends , keepers and all staf members . R.I.P beautiful angel

Vivienne Geroe

Posted 12 May 2018

A truly wonderful and inspirational lady whom I had the pleasure of meeting at the Orphanage in 1996 .. you will never be forgotten as your legacy and love will live on in all our hearts and those of the team at the DSWT .. Rest in Peace Special Lady and God Bless your family always ❤️🐘❤️

Anett László

Posted 12 May 2018

I was so devasteted to read the passing of Dame Daphne… I was crying my heart out, because I loved her so much! Though I have never met her personaly… She was a great role model for me and a great example of the human kindness! What she did for the elephants of Kenya is incredible and because of her selflessness a lot of elephants life was saved. I read her autobiography Love, life and elephants and I must admit that this made a huge impression of me. I will never forget her .. My heart goes out to her whole family, the DSWT staff and the Keepers! Be strong and keep up the good work! Rest in peace beautiful Daphne you are with your beloved David now! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Maria Malaquias

Posted 12 May 2018

Thank you Dame Daphne for your amazing work. You’ve made this world a better world. Love you.


Posted 12 May 2018

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of Dame Daphne and her precious Legacy. She inspires me with her compassion and love for all living things. She walked the talk, faced her own hardship and pain, but never gave up on her dreams. She has enriched so many lives. Thank you beautiful lady. RIP xx Deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.

Cheryl Weyne

Posted 12 May 2018

A truly amazing lady, and what a remarkable legacy you have left. If only the world had more people like you. Rest peacefully Dear Dame Daphne.

Lindsay Farmer

Posted 12 May 2018

Daphne was such a wonderful inspiration to all through the groundbreaking work she did alongside her husband to bring those young, vulnerable rescued elephants to adulthood and allow them to go back to the wild and live a long and happy life. Through love, hard work and determination she found ways to make sure these young creatures would survive and built a strong ‘family’ of local caring people to work at the sanctury and all over the World. Her legacy lives on through these people. Long may it continue and grow.

monic rijkhoff

Posted 12 May 2018

You saved so many lives, taught us so much about elephants, leave such a legacy. You still are such an inspiration to so many and definitely are my most respected wildlife hero of all times. You will be sorely missed but your legacy will live on. You will certainly live on in mine. With memories of our latest rescue from Sapaashe Samburu- little Sana sana. Fly with the angels my dear.

Jennifer Pyatt

Posted 12 May 2018

RIP Gone but never forgotten dear Daphnexx

Sherri Wilson

Posted 12 May 2018

I first learned of Daphne when I attended a fundraiser for the foundation in Toronto Canada a few years back. They were trying to raise funds to purchase a helicopter. That evening touched me and my understanding of Elephants and what beautiful animals they truly are. I was inspired by Daphne’s work in saving the species and I have followed her and the foundation ever since! I was saddened to hear of her passing but her legacy will continue through her daughter and all the people all over the world she has touched and given to me a love and deeper understanding of Elephants!!


Posted 12 May 2018

…Rest in Peace Dame Daphne, you gave us so much and it is on us to go on and give all to protect wildlife..with sadness from Germany

Anna Wright

Posted 12 May 2018

Oh, Angela…such very, very sad news. Our hearts are with you…
Thank you, Dame Daphne for your many gifts to ele and human kind!
You and your family as well, Angela, keeping it all going…WOW!
Warmest hugs and love and gratitude from afar