In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Robyn Kendall

Posted 12 May 2018

What an amazing women, the world will never forget her and I am sure she is loving being back with her wonderful husband and all the beautiful animals that she helped, but have passed over the rainbow bridge. rest in peace wonderful Lady.

Lisa Jawahar

Posted 12 May 2018

I have never been there, but reading about her, her history and the miraculous work she spent her life doing absolutely amazes me and humbles me. The world lost a beautiful soul.

Betty Oliver

Posted 12 May 2018

Daphne Sheldrick will live on through the majestic elephants who survived because of her. What a wonderful legacy – she made the world a much better place.


Posted 12 May 2018

A role model for the world.

Theresia J. Crosby

Posted 12 May 2018

Dame Daphne Sheldrick stands tall in the world of elephant conservation.
We must continue to echo her tenacity & love for each & every elephant that has past through her hands.

My heartfelt condolences goes to her family & all keepers & staff at the orphanage & units.

Dame Daphne will be looking down on you all smiling while resting with her Elllies in heaven.

God bless…

Diane Eyler

Posted 12 May 2018

Thank you for your dedication to helping the world’s elephants. Your love, and compassion has touched all of us. Forever grateful.


Posted 12 May 2018

My heart is with everyone at DSWT (including the elephants). Most of us never met Daphne but her love shined. Her amazing spirit and caring for all living creatures continues to be an inspiration.

Thank you Dame Daphne for dedicating your life to helping those who cannot help themselves. You live on in each baby elephant saved by those who continue your work.

Love from one of Malkia’s Foster Mamas.

Annette McQueen

Posted 12 May 2018

An earth angel, a hero, and mother to so many orphaned elephants. Thank you for your service in this world. It was made better by your work and efforts. Rest with the spirits of all the animals and their families that you’ve helped. You are so blessed by so many souls. Love & LIght to you.

Jean McDermott

Posted 12 May 2018

What a legacy indeed. I am so thankful to Daphne Sheldrick for the wonderful work she has done in protecting and caring for these beautiful animals. In a world where cruelty and abuse is so rampant against these magnificent living beings that we are blessed to share the planet with, I am filled with tremendous gratitude that such a gracious, giving individual cared so much as to dedicate her life’s work to saving these magnificent elephants.
It is kind and dedicated people like Daphne that truly make a difference in the world and set a precedent for future generations to follow in this important work. I thank her for her loving service, she has made an incredible difference for these wonderful orphan baby elephants and all other beings whose lives she has touched and helped. I know that she has touched my heart and the hearts of many others. She inspired me to foster one of these sweet orphaned elephants and to help support the incredible work at Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

My love and respect for elephants and other wildlife will never waiver and my great concern for them has added hope because of people such as Dame Daphne Sheldrick, a truly great lady. May she always be blessed.

Yana Marinova

Posted 12 May 2018

She and her book „The Afrika’s love story“ were my inspiration to love elephants and to adopt Ajabu & Sonje❤️Now I‘ve more respect of nature and life!She was a hero!

Hennie and Robin.

Posted 12 May 2018

Dame Daphne has inspired me to inspire others to care for each living thing.
We all have our place in the Grand scheme of things.
Her compassion and vision gives strength to those who are left behind to carry on her work.
She always had hope, and we must too.
“We turn the page and move on ” is so true.
Fly on the wings of love for eternity Dearest Dame Daphne.
With much love.
Hennie and Robin. xxxx


Posted 12 May 2018


Anne Leigh

Posted 12 May 2018

Through DSWT I was able to do something to help elephants 🐘by volunteering and sponsoring ❤️
I met Dame Daphne at a fund raising dinner in London where I was a proud volunteer.

Words cannot express the value of the work DSWT and their partners do to save, heal, grow and return these wonderful creatures to the wild.
Deepest gratitude 🙏🏻

An amazing lady, and her family, blessed to continue the work.

The Family lost a Mother and Grandmother, my heart goes out to you at this time.

With love and gratitude 🙏🏻 ❤️🐘

Amy Donovan

Posted 12 May 2018

I’m so sorry I didn’t get the chance to meet you in person. (It definitely was on my bucket list.) Your absence will be felt by all of the animal advocates around the world. Thank you and bless you for all you did for our precious elephants. RIP knowing you had a tremendous impact on our planet and it’s beloved creatures. You will exist forever in our hearts.

Deborah Martin

Posted 12 May 2018

I discovered DSWT when I was discovering Facebook. It was so inspiring to me to see her life and dedication toward the elephants and other life in Africa. Before then, I knew nothing of her, but now, after such a short time in my life, she has become a model of goodness to me. I wish I could accomplish even a small part of what she did. I doubt I will ever forget her.


Posted 12 May 2018

Hermosa vida la de Daphne Sheldrick, que se dedicó a ayudar a los huérfanos elefantes por causa de inhumanos que asesinan a sus madres.

Su amor hacia los elefantes y dedicación, debe de ser un ejemplo para que sobre todo los niños, aprendan a querer, respetar y ayudar a todo animal indefenso.

Siempre recordaré a Daphne, con su rostro bondadoso, con sus ojos cristalinos.

** Gracias Daphne **


Posted 12 May 2018

I never ever will forget Dame Daphne and the kind person she was there is so much to say and it would take a lifetime. She looked after others a lifetime and I hope we never ever will forget her. All will miss her who ever they are Baby Elephants, Giraffes and all the animals who are around you. Her spirit will live on and I am so thankfull to have gotten a letter after I adopted Kamok and later Ambo this Babies and all the others will miss her.
I wish you all a lot of strength in this very hard time and my thought will be with you all, she is looking down on us and I am sure she has met her soulmate David again so R.I.P. Dame Daphne we miss you always lots of love Elisabeth from Switzerland

Debbie Sides

Posted 12 May 2018

Truly a beautiful soul. She dedicated her life to the orphans. I thank her and all of you that keep the amazing work going.

Much love to you all and the beautiful babies you care for every day.

Christine Johanek

Posted 12 May 2018

Here in the States we celebrate Mothers Day. I’d like to dedicate my Mother’s Day wishes to Dame Daphne Sheldrick. The amazing Mother of elephants to be remembered as such from now in perpetuity……
Daphne is an inspiration to one and all for her courageous, flawless,amazing
work to save her elephants and other animals. Daphnes devotion to her cause was tireless yet rewarding. She is one of the women I most admire on this earth.
Bravo Daphne, you are loved!

corine Noiren

Posted 12 May 2018

All my condolences for Dame Daphne who is a model of generosity, love and compassion for wildlife
She is a great lady of Africa