In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Melinda Mueller

Posted 13 May 2018

I loved this marvelous woman with all my heart. I cannot imagine the void her passing has left in the lives and hearts of you and your family, Angela, as well as all those who work at the Trust and carry her mission forward each and every day. I share your grief, and your determination to carry on in her name, for our elephants.


Posted 13 May 2018

Daphne Sheldrick would have deserved the Nobel Prize. condolences


Posted 13 May 2018

I was so sad to hear about Daphne’s passing. I have Daphne’s book and reading it was emotional aswell as fascinating and inspiring. She dedicated her life to protecting Kenya’s wildlife. She was an amazing woman and the world has lot a true hero.


Posted 13 May 2018

I will always treasure the letter received from Dame Daphne ~ her letter addressed several topics including our little herd of 5 fosters. I kept her confidence regarding the breast cancer diagnosis and believed she would trample this disease.

The news of her passing was tragic and remains a loss. I know Angela and her family will continue as they have been for so many years.

Kathleen Stern

Posted 13 May 2018

My husband and I visited the Sheldrick orphans at feeding time in Nairobi. What an amazing experience and inspire. Dame Daphne and her family are doing crucial work in caring for elephants and supporting Kenya in its attempts to safeguard its wonderful wildlife. What a woman and tributes also to her family and the superb caring keepers who look after the elephants and other animals with such care!

Christine English

Posted 13 May 2018

Sending you all my condolences on the loss of Daphne. What an inspiration. I saw a documentary on a flight from Europe last month that surrounded her work and was immediately enthralled and then I realized that a book I had ordered was written by her. I finished reading it last night and loved it. It was only after that and wanting to find out even more that I found this web site and the news of her death. May her work and that of David continue as a tribute to them and the animals they loved so desperately. Abundant blessings.


Posted 13 May 2018

Dear Dame Daphne
Where ever you are rest in peace.
Your spirit will always be with us and all the immense work you have done will and us having such a great effect to all.
You made me become aware of your trust 7 years ago and I am do greatful.
And most recently my husband too.
Eleies bring so much happiness to me when I am down or just pick me up.
Your kindness shone through out your work and will do so through your family.
Thank you so much
I will always support the trust.

Rest in Peace Dame Daphne

With love


Josee Taylor

Posted 13 May 2018

Daphne Sheldrick was blessed by God and shared those blessings with people and His beautiful animals especially magnificent elephants.She, and those who shared her great love, saved so many elephant calves and all other kinds of animals in distress.My first sponsor elephant was Lissa and I was privileged to help in any way I could.Everyone who knew her, and her work,have lost a truly great advocate for all unfortunate animals orphaned in Africa by mankind’s greed and cruelty.God forgive them and thank The Dear Lord for her work which will go on.

Maria Harper-Ibrahim

Posted 13 May 2018

Had I not been to the first I-worry anti ivory poaching march set up by Dame Daphne’s DSWT, I would never have understood the enormity of the ivory crisis.

Elephant and wildlife conservation are now a huge part of my life…something I had never been involved with before. I’m in my 50’s and feel it’s something I should have always been doing, it’s so rewarding. The I-worry march literally, changed my life.

Thank you for all your dedication and love for the baby elephants and wildlife. You were a true Matriarch to all those babies. xxx God Bless.

Beverley Siddle

Posted 13 May 2018

Thank you for a life dedicated to conservation. Thank you for caring so much for these beautiful creatures and for inspiring others to care.

Sincere condolences to your family.

With respect, love and deepest gratitude.

Shanen GIttens

Posted 13 May 2018

A truly amazing and inspiring lady who will forever be missed. Your love, compassion and incredible work has changed the world not only for elephants, but all wildlife.

So many lives changed and so many lives saved because of one special lady who dared to make a difference.

The world is a sadder place without you in it, but a better place forever for the time you were.

Thinking of everyone and all the elephants at the DSWT xx

Karen Goss

Posted 13 May 2018

My deepest condolences!
She was a lighthouse,showing us all the way!
So strong was her light in life that she will live on in many hearts …especially the 4 legged ones:)
I first met Daphne when I was about 3 or 4 . We lived in Tsavo West , my father Ted Goss was the warden there and we went over to Voi for meetings and other grownups stuff.. I would love looking out the back to see if there were any new orphans… we had some as well, but Daphne always had more, and she could really communicate with them! My memory’s of Elinore are the best!
Love to you all at DSWT !
Keep up the good work.
Karen Goss

Lynn Brooked

Posted 13 May 2018

All the great ones leave this Earth
But their Spirits live on Forever

Jane Maw

Posted 13 May 2018

Dame Daphne Sheldrick is one of my heroes and an incredible human being who dedicated her life to making such a huge difference for wildlife, conservation and especially the elephants.
She was remarkable lady, one of a kind and the world has lost a shining light, may she rest in peace among the brightest of the stars.
I was privileged to come to Kenya and see the incredible work you that do, I met my foster elephant, gave him his bottle and met the amazing men caring for all the eles
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, it was an experience I will never forget.

Lucy Neville

Posted 13 May 2018

When I was a very young child I used to ask about the pictures of an elephant in my grandparents’ wall. “That’s Dika”, they said “a baby elephant that needed help and a lady called Daphne looks after him”. That was my 1st introduction to elephants, to Dame Daphne and to Africa. I continue to sponsor Dika almost 30yrs later in their name and wonder how many wild calves he’s father to. I now teach in a museum and almost all my conservation lessons feature Dame Daphne. She was a truly incredible woman who has made such a difference to elephants at home in Kenya but also across the world as word of her work and why it is needed spread. This must, understandably, be a hard time for her family and friends but I hope they can take solice in knowing the world, humans and nature alike, celebrates her tremendous life and work every day.

David Bowles

Posted 13 May 2018

I met Daphne once some 30 years ago when she came to the UK and we were fundraising for her elephants – she was a charming woman passionate about elephants and protecting them. Having been involved at the Cites meeting in 89 that banned the ivory trade and subsequent efforts to enforce it, I know Daphne’s knowledge, experience and drive helped win those arguments, continually helped elephant conservation and has made the world a better place


Posted 13 May 2018

I’ve always been a big fan of Daphne Sheldrick. She was an extraordinary woman who gave unselfishly of herself. I’m glad she got to make Born to be Wild, along with Biruté Galdikas. That is my favorite video and I share it with everyone. I just wish that it had been longer. Cheers, Miss Daphne… the stars are shining a little bit brighter as you continue to watch your babies from above. The light you helped create, that continues to help everyone see what needs to be done to save our wildlife, will forever shine.

Joanna Dudley

Posted 13 May 2018

Dear Angela, the Keepers, All mourning the loss of “our” most precious Dame Daphne, & of course the darling Eles: We do hope you’re doing all right; we grieve with you. And “we” (100s of 1000s of supporters & admirers globally) will continue to hold Daphne’s memory – and that of her late husband & father to Angela, David – in our hearts forever. My late step-father in Kenya, as a Minister ‘of the crown’ collaborated with David & Daphne over 50 yrs ago, while in Tsavo Park. Be at Peace Daphne, knowing your wonderful work & love will inspire generations in KE & beyond and into history. Love xoxo

Robert Reid

Posted 13 May 2018

My most sincerest condolences for Dame Daphne Sheldrick. A most caring, honest and intelligent person that will be so missed. We all could take many empathy lessons from her & associates including lessons from the elephants et al.

Helen Rehan

Posted 13 May 2018

I never had the privilege to meet Dame Daphne but, second only to the loss of my own mother, I grieve deeply for her. The love, respect and humility with which she lived her life was godly. I am indebted and grateful to be a part of DSWT, though from the other side of the globe, as a foster mum to 5 precious little souls. The latest addition to my herd was Kiasa, whom I now foster in memory of Dame Daphne. My prayer is for there to be no more need for places like DSWT because we humans have finally learned what Dame Daphne taught for all these years. Until such a time, I will continue to support and pray for all of you at DSWT and the sweet little ones you rescue. The Creator smiles down on all of you with sweet angel Daphne by His side.