In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Sally Irwin

Posted 15 May 2018

Having lost my own mother to cancer at the start of this year I empathise with your loss. We had the honour to meet Dame Daphne just once when visiting the elephant orphanage – her legacy lives on!

Sally and Richard Irwin

Antoinette Blum

Posted 15 May 2018

Elephants have been my favorite animal since I was a child. I am therefore so grateful to Dame Daphne Sheldrick for all the work she has done to insure that elephants have a second chance.

Before going on safari to Kenya and Tanzania I learned from our travel agent that it was possible to have a private visit of the orphanage. What a memorable experience for my husband and me and the two friends who were with us!

Upon returning to New York I read her fascinating book Love Life and Elephants. It did not take me long to adopt several elephants.

Dame Daphne came to New York to give a talk at the Natural History Museum. We naturally wanted to hear her talk. The auditorium was packed. A tribute to her reputation.

Although I never had the opportunity to meet Dame Daphne Sheldrick I am saddened at the thought that she is no longer among us. May her example be followed not only in Nairobi but in other African countries.

Bridget Nash

Posted 15 May 2018

My sincere heartfelt thanks to the Family Sheldrick Wildife Trust in Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick for the love devotion care that has been given to so many rescued animals through the years. Since I found this wonderful caring animal safe haven I have been happy to be a Foster Mum and I thank you all for giving me this opportunity. I had the wonderful experience of seeing Dame Daphne at a film showing in London some years back now so amazing to be in such close contact with such a wonderful Lady. My sincere condolences to you all Dame Daphne will be forever in mine many others thoughts and prayers. Yours sincerely Bridget Nash

Lisa Mark

Posted 15 May 2018

Dear Angela and Family

I am so sorry to hear about your mother’s passing.

Your mother was such an incredible and accomplished woman.

Our deepest sympathy

Lisa and Steve Mark

Valerio De Masi

Posted 15 May 2018

Grazie Daphne , semplicemente grazie.

Caroline Hero

Posted 15 May 2018

The first time I learned of this wonderful woman named Daphne Sheldrick was on a special interview on 60 minutes, then more in depth in the documentary: Born to be Wild. What a great woman, a woman who devoted her life to preserving an environment and the animals within, a woman who I admire so much; I felt an immediate connection, and was in awe of her. I cannot imagine the sense of loss you all feel, but at the same time how her presence must also be felt so strongly In your hearts. My heart goes out to you, and all who loved her. Even though her physical presence has left this world the profound effect she has had on a global scale will live forever and thanks to all of you for continuing her great work. Most sincerely,
Caroline ❤️❤️❤️

marian ohare

Posted 15 May 2018

Daphne, I never got the chance to meet you although I have been following you for years it is as if I know you. I got to know you from all your dedicated work you have done not only for the elephants but for future generations. You have given us a gift and have educated us all on how important it is to ensure these animals coexist with us. We are truly in your debt. I thank-you from the bottom of my heart for what you have given me. You are my hero and I hope one day to visit DSWT.
Thank-you Angela for sharing you MOM

Nicola Busch

Posted 14 May 2018

Sehr geehrte Familie und Freunde !

Wir trauern mit Ihnen und werden diese große, sehr bewundernswerte Dame nicht vergessen.
Vergessen werden wir auch nie, was sie für Afrika, deren Tierwelt und vor allem für die Elefanten getan hat.
Daphne Sheldrick wird immer einen Platz in unseren Herzen haben.

In stiller Trauer
Nicola und Horst-Dieter Busch


Posted 14 May 2018

I didn’t know you Dame Daphne but you were one of my hero’s nevertheless. I’m sad that you’re gone and scared for the animals you cared for. I will continue to support DSWT and keep the faith that it will continue your work. RIP.

Cocault Dany

Posted 14 May 2018

C’est avec une grande tristesse que j’ai appris la mort de cette femme remarquable. C’est elle qui m’a donné la passion et l’amour des éléphants, grâce à ses livres et ensuite au reportage sur internet. Merci madame de m’avoir apporter de la lumière dans ce monde si sombre. Je sais que votre oeuvre va perdurer grâce à votre fille. Votre amour pour la défense de ces doux géants va faire bouger le comportement et les mentalités. Pour l’instant nous vous pleurons et nous vous oublierons jamais. Les éléphants eux aussi savent qu’ils ont perdu leur ange gardien

Barbara Smith

Posted 14 May 2018

Daphne gave hope. She persevered in the most difficult circumstances, finding a way to save these amazing animals. There are so many animals in Kenya that are alive today because of her love and her most beautiful soul. Kenya is so lucky to have had Daphne as one of it’s fighters for freedom and life. Everything I have read about this courageous and amazing lady is inspiring for everyone.

Linda Richardson

Posted 14 May 2018

Such sadness and heavy heart upon hearing the news of the passing of Dame Daphne Sheldrick. A woman whom I admired greatly, a role model … and admittedly someone whose life I secretly wished was mine, especially after reading her amazing emotional wonderful book (never truer words were the title of her book). She did so much, gave so much; her passionate, tireless pursuit for the wellbeing of her beloved elephants. I am grateful to be able to give my support to the DSWT as a sponsor, for my love for elephants too. Condolences to the family and those close to her and the DSWT, she will be greatly missed, but her legacy – as will Dame Daphne – live on with you all.

Jeanne Gardner

Posted 14 May 2018

As I’m sure Daphne Sheldrick has touched so many lives in such a profound way so did she touch mine. The compassion and dedication she so selflessly gave for so many years is inspiring to all of us who keep wondering how we can protect all the vulnerable animals of the world. Let her example shine for us all and give us the encouragement to do all we can to make a difference. Thank you Daphne Sheldrick. We will always remember you and thank you for your kindness and your brave and wonderful heart.

Kimberly Dungan

Posted 14 May 2018

Our planet Earth is a better place because of your mother Dame Daphne Sheldrick.

Rita Wilson

Posted 13 May 2018

Such an inspirational Lady, not enough words to describe her entire life of love and determination. Thank you RIP

Lorna Farrar

Posted 13 May 2018

We visited our orphan baby ‘Sities’ at DSWT, the love in this wonderful, wonderful place was tangible and will live in our hearts forever. You may no longer have a physical presence Dame Daphne but we know your amazing spirit will forever live in the hearts of your beautiful ele’s. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Kathleen Welton

Posted 13 May 2018

Happy Mothet’s Day! We miss you and we love you and your work. Your legacy will continue. I thank my lucky stars that DSWT exists and that I am able to help in some small way. Blessings to you in heaven with all of the other angels.

Irena Riisla

Posted 13 May 2018

So sorry for your loss! Daphne was and will be forever a true inspiration helping so many beautiful creatures to survive and being such a big part in Kenyas conservation. I truly loved reading her book Love, Life, and Elephants: An African Love Story. DSWT thank you for continuing this so important work Daphne has started! RIP


Posted 13 May 2018

avec toute mon affection et ma reconnaissance pour votre merveilleux travail…

Jenny McKoen

Posted 13 May 2018

I shall never forget seeing Daphne Sheldrick on television shedding tears stroking the tusks of a recently dead elephant. This moment moved me immensely, and made me determined to help her work. The World is a sadder place with her death, though thank goodness her family can continue her wonderful work.

I’m sure her elephants know and will be grieving too, as they do for their own, which she surely was.