In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Loretta K Allen

Posted 16 May 2018

Forever in the hearts and memories of wildlife and humans. Beloved by so many. May you know your legacy had such far reaching benefits like the dropping of a stone in a pool of water. So many different organisms are touched by that ripple. RIP and love

Irene Jervis

Posted 16 May 2018

During the safari that I took in Nov 2017, I visited the orphanage in Nairobi. I was inspired by what I saw & adopted a baby elephant. I am glad that the DWST is in good hands & the wonderful work of Daphne will continue. She had a long & marvelous life & inspired so many people around the world.

Marcia Nordgren

Posted 16 May 2018

To the Sheldrick family: my heart is broken to learn of Daphne’s death. I met her at the nursery in 2004, during my first visit to Nairobi. She touched my heart, when i came to understand how the work she has done has changed this planet. When Time named Daphne one of the 50 greatest women in the world, i wasn’t surprised. Her conviction, dedication, commitment, and unparalleled and tireless work, cannot be measured during our lifetime. A fearless woman who inspired the world to love and treat elephants and all animals with the kindness and respect they deserve. Godspeed, Daphne.

Anne Molyneaux

Posted 16 May 2018

I am so sorry for your loss. I was working for the US Embassy in Nairobi last year when I learned about the DSWT. I attended a viewing of the baby elephants 🐘 on my first Saturday and was rammed by Esampu!! I took it as a sign I should adopt her so I did, along with several other orphans. I am so glad I could become a part of your organization and I love reading the monthly reports of the sweet elephants I adopted along with my “naughty” girl Esampu. DSWT is an amazing organization!

David Wilkinson

Posted 15 May 2018

What a fantastic human being. And what a legacy she has left. Daphne may be the saviour of the elephant. What better to be remembered for? A life well lived.

Alyssa Taylor

Posted 15 May 2018

I am deeply saddened by your loss and continue to be in awe of the work Daphne, the DSWT and so many others are committed to in order to protect and preserve that which is so important. I eagerly await my visit to Kenya and the DSWT later this year.

My heartfelt condolences and gratitude,
Alyssa Taylor

John McKenna

Posted 15 May 2018

Daphne is inspirational for those of us who aspire to respect and help preserve wildlife.
She has truly made a difference.

Wendy Judd

Posted 15 May 2018

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Dame Daphne have touched my life with all the wonderful work you do. You try to undo all the horror that comes from humans. You keep my faith in the human race going. Without all of you, there would be so much more suffering of our wonderful animals and more extinction.

I cannot say enough about all of Dame Daphne’s hard work and passion and her love of the animals. I wear an elephant bracelet every day and know that you are helping to keep all of these wonderful animals, not just elephants, on our planet.

Blessings to you all. My sympathies and prayers and thoughts are with all of you at this most difficult time.

Alison Abdu

Posted 15 May 2018

I have been so inspired and humbled by Dame Daphne’s humanity, resourcefulness, compassion and impact. Her crusade to rescue and save orphaned elephants will have a long lasting legacy on many people and many elephants. Very grateful for all she has done to save so many defenseless elephants, embrace their caregivers, and provide an opportunity for those of us many of thousands of miles removed to contribute to this crucial work. May her memory be for a blessing. Alison

Nina Sanati

Posted 15 May 2018

May you be greeted by all of your fine animal friends at those pearly gates, Dame Daphne!


Posted 15 May 2018

There is a special place for you in Heaven Dame Daphne. Thank you for saving so many wonderful babies – we will make sure to carry on ❤️


Posted 15 May 2018

No words are enough to say thank you for all the hard work that Daphne did to help save the elephants. May the brilliant work you all do carry on for years to come.

Dinah Sinnock

Posted 15 May 2018

I don’t know how I first came across the DSWT but I did and it has changed my life for forever. I was so fascinated by the work of Dr Dame Daphne Sheldrick and her husband David that I knew I had to become part of this. I fostered my first orphan nearly 3 years ago and now have a litle herd of 25 that I foster throughout all the units. I wasn’t fortunate to meet Dame Daphne when I visited but caught a glimpse of her daughter Angela at the Nursery. The work that has been done by this incredible lady is so magnificent and will continue through her family. She is an inspiration to all and am really looking forward to reading her new book. Sleep in peace next to David and all your beloved babes that have passed on before you. Never to be forgotten and will always be loved and admired.

Julie Evans

Posted 15 May 2018

I have admired Dame Daphne for many years. I have read her book and fostered Elephant calves. We visited the Sheldrick Wildlife Orphanage in March. I just ordered The Unsung Heroes. I will miss just knowing she is on earth. What a woman!

Rhonny Dam

Posted 15 May 2018

Thank you for everything you did. I only learned of your book last year, it was given to me by a good friend, and I read it while visiting Uganda. I saw elephants in the wild and it meant so much to know about them from you. I left your book behind to inspire other young girls in that country. <3 <3


Posted 15 May 2018

There not enough words to express my gratitude in appreciating the remarkable work Dame Daphne Sheldrick did in her lifetime. She was an inspiration in my love for wildlife Conservation and still is even today. Am thankful for the love she had for all the wonderful elephants and wildlife that she saved from harm. I thank GOD she lived her life the way she did and I thank all the team at DSWT for their amazing work in saving these animals each and every day. Am saddened by her death but I know she’s ran her race and will forever be loved and cherished across the globe. May Her Beautiful Soul Rest in Eternal Peace🙏🏼🌹 Love from Zambia 🇿🇲

Erin Sharoni

Posted 15 May 2018

What a beautiful life lived; what a beautiful legacy left.

Thank you, Dame Daphne, for all that you have done not just for the animals, but for this earth – for when one person lights a flame, the entire world sets ablaze.

You have my deepest love and gratitude.

Cornelia Brenn-Reichardt

Posted 15 May 2018

Dear Angela and dear friends,
since I heard from the Elephant project about 10 years ago we are forstering the Sheldrick Wild life trust. Last month I read a book wirtten by an other admirer of Dame Daphne Lawrence Anthony from South Africa and since he got in contact for her advice, I thought that her engagement and knowledge about elefant nursering is a international treasure… I send you all my heartful thoughts and loving memories….
Yours Cornelia

Chris & Phyllis

Posted 15 May 2018

We love and miss you Daphne. Here was a Lady whose legacy of work will endure on through the ages. Daphne’s work defined the survival of a species. We know you are with David now and walking with the Elephants wherever they roam. Watching over them and with them each and every day. We send our love and sympathy to Angela and whole Sheldrick Family. We send our love and thanks to the Keepers who work tirelessly to ensure that Daphne’s work continues. Rest in everlasting peace our beloved Matriarch. Our Hero. Daphne Sheldrick.

Leslie Sherman

Posted 15 May 2018

Dear Dame Daphne, you have been an inspiration for so many people. I have a deep, heartfelt appreciation for your kindness, generosity and commitment. The world is a better place because of you. Thank you for all you have done to help the creatures, you will be greatly missed.