In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Irene Draycott

Posted 16 May 2018

Ever since I can remember, I have been passionately fond of elephants – everything about them is just amazing, and the more you learn, the more you realise there is to these beautiful creatures.
Dame Daphne was a tremendous lady, and although I never got to meet her – she has been and for ever will be, my inspiration.
I thank God for her, and pray that the family will long be able to carry on the tremendous work started.
God bless you all.

Sybille Schwandt-Lang

Posted 16 May 2018

My condolences to the loss of your mother .
A courages woman that gave all her love and life to protecting the wildlife.
She is a person who made the difference.
She will never be forgotten.
Please keep up with her work .

Sybille Schwandt-Lang

Shakil Visram

Posted 16 May 2018

Seldom have a couple so completely dedicated their lives to preserving nature and rarely with such great love, knowledge and compassion for wildlife as David and Daphne Sheldrick. She has done Kenya extremely proud. It is a tremendous loss not just for conservationists the world over, but especially the orphan elephants she rescued through her Trust and for whose cause she dedicated her life to. God bless her generous soul and bless those who continue to walk along her selfless path.

Brenda rimmer

Posted 16 May 2018

Thank you Daphne for all you did for these amazing creatures …you proved you could take an orphaned baby and release it some years later to take it’s place in the wild ..My daughter and had the greatest pleasure of hearing you give a speech twice in the U.K. and to visit Voi were an amazing matriarch and bless you for being you …Brenda

Ruth Brennan

Posted 16 May 2018

What an inspirational woman, who leaves an incredible legacy behind for us all to learn from.

Lilian Schram-Ong

Posted 16 May 2018

‘There is an old belief
That on Some distant shore
Far from despair and grief
Old friends shall meet once more…


Posted 16 May 2018

What an honour it was to meet Dame Daphne on our visit to the orphanage in 2011. Such a truly inspiring woman.

Tim and Monica Williams

Posted 16 May 2018

We were lucky enough to visit the orphanage last year and were amazed at the work you do in looking after the elephants, one of which we adopted, Tagwa. Daphne really was an inspiration, what a wonderful woman to give up her life to look after these amazing creatures. She surely will be missed, the orphanage is a wonderful memorial to her.

Katherine Pedinelli

Posted 16 May 2018

Sincere condolences. Such a remarkable woman. I read “Love, Life and Elephants.” Inspiring. I was so happy also to receive a personal autograph for the book.

She will forever remain in our thoughts and hearts.

Such a loss. But her legacy lives on.

Thank You.



Posted 16 May 2018

My sincere condolences on the passing of your mother. What wonderful memories you have to share. And don’t forget Ele’s will never forget her.

Farrukh Mukhtar

Posted 16 May 2018

Hello Angela Sheldrick and the lovely keepers in Nairobi,

Daphne touched my heart the moment I learned about her. It was through a documentary that I saw online, and from then on my love for elephants and the work you tremendous people do at DSWT blossomed into a full (but healthy) obsession. Daphne demonstrated how elephants are so similar to us, yet gentler, more altruistic and caring for their own. She taught us how we can learn from them how to treat one another as human beings and to live in harmony with all living beings in nature.

In a world full of people who are self absorbed and selfish, I found so little to be hopeful for concerning the fate of humanity. Then I stumbled upon DSWT and the lovely woman who had dedicated her entire life to the well being of these majestic creatures. I often reflect on my own life as a young man because of her unwavering dedication at such a young age, asking myself tough questions. What is my passion in life? What can I dedicate my life to that requires more giving than taking? How do I make a similar impact on the world? She wasn’t just a conservationist to me, she was an inspiration. Her calm demeanor, patience, soothing motherly voice, and unconditional love for the babies in the nursery touched me deeply. Currently I am a foster parent to little Maktao and will be contributing to you guys well into the future.

I am disheartened that I was not able to meet Ms. Daphne, but I do hope to visit the next matriarch in line, Angela, in Nairobi alongside all the keepers (and the babies, especially crazy Maktao) that put their heart and soul into the well being of elephants and wildlife conservation. Ms. Daphne will not be forgotten, for her legacy will live on by all your efforts.

Thank you for all that you do,
Farrukh Mukhtar.

Maureen Andrews

Posted 16 May 2018

I am deeply saddened to learn of Daphne’s death. She was a courageous and far thinking person, the likes of which we seldom see.

Her memory will always live on through the Elephants she rescued and the gift her family have given her by carrying on her work.

Sometimes wonderful people live in our hearts for ever. Daphne is one of those people.

Paul and Sharon White

Posted 16 May 2018

We were very lucky in meeting Dame Sheldrick at the Conservation back in 2007.
Before we returned home we had adopted Shimba who sadly passed away a few years later.
We currently foster Mbirinkani and look forward to the monthly diary updates.

Dame Sheldrick was full of passion and this shows through the family legacy.
Our condolences to her family and friends.

Bill Hansson

Posted 16 May 2018

My greatest condolesence to one off the greatest woman on the earth. What she and her former husband has done for the wildlife and in particular the elephants is so remarkable!

Louise Bowen on behalf of Cruise Traveller

Posted 16 May 2018

Dear Angela,
On behalf of everyone at Cruise Traveller, your loss has left all of us deeply saddened. We wish you and your family well and we are so proud to be involved in sponsorship of the beloved elephant orphans Dame Daphne cared so deeply for. Best wishes,
Louise Bowen
Cruise Traveller

Lynn Benoliel Jacobson

Posted 16 May 2018

Ever since one of my children gave me my first elephant as a Christmas gift, and my youngest grandchild age 7 drew his picture attached with the gift card, I have repeatedly fostered more. Every time someone I love dies, I send an elephant instead of flowers. A dear friend once told me when she lost her husband, she received 55 plants, and one elephant. I choose one with the person’s initial and sex, so the family can follow its progress and keep their memories alive. My grandfather first took me at age five to see the elephants unload a train, and that fostered my love for them this past 80 years.


Posted 16 May 2018

What a wonderful lady, who devoted her life to save such beautiful creatures. We must all be thankful for all of those who shared her passion to continue this incredible work.

Milan Chakrabarty

Posted 16 May 2018

Sorry to hear that. This is a loss for the entire world. This person has done a lot for wild life conservation that can never be replaced. Hope her work brings more people to follow what she has done. God bless her SOUL.

Marilyn Thomas

Posted 16 May 2018

We thank Daphne for all that she did for the orphaned elephants and for her devotion to them. We will never forget her. And we will never forget the times we spent at the orphanage and at Umani Springs as well.


Posted 16 May 2018

May her soul rest in peace. She leaves a great legacy behind… though did not know her personally, but the amount of work she put into in saving the lives of these orphans makes her an exceptional human being.