In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Mrs Sarah Allison

Posted 17 May 2018

I was so sad to hear the news- We owe so much to Dame Daphne.She opened the door world wide for us to see the plight of this majestic animal. We live here and so too must the elephant!

Rhiannon Lee

Posted 17 May 2018

“A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.” – Hercules

Your heart was undeniably as strong as an elephant.

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

Sharon Treasure

Posted 17 May 2018

How fortunate for me that many years ago, I discovered the Sheldrick Foundation. While having been to Kenya years ago, I had no idea that there was someone doing the phenomenal things that she has done. It opened my eyes to how much we all need to pitch in and give back. I decided to foster three elephants and it is my dream to someday come and possibly see them.
I was suffering a possible loss with my animal and Daphne reached out to me and provided such incite to the animal kingdom which helped me get through a painful experience. I had always hoped to meet her in person and thank her personally.
Though I am a caregiver for my husband who has Alzheimers, it is still on my bucket list to spend time in the nursery and pay what respects I can to Dame Daphne.
She was a blessing to this earth.

Mary Anne DiNublia

Posted 17 May 2018

A few years back, I read Daphne’s autobiography “An African Love Story” and was mesmerized by her life’s work. I fell in love with her right away and began following the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust’s website, watching videos, reading stories, donating, and then fostering Maxwell, the blind rhino. I am grateful to have known her and am so happy her daughter, Angela will continue her legacy. I will miss you Dear Dame Daphne Sheldrick. I believe your generous and loving soul continues to watch over your beloved animals!

Patrice and Laurence CARLEN-HELMER

Posted 17 May 2018

A wound in our hearts. Daphne Sheldrick was a great Dame. She belonged to this brotherhood of human beings who, with total love, dedication, commitment and intelligence, brought through her mission on earth hope and blessing to Nature Mankind is a part of.

Thank you, Dame Daphne, you will remain for ever a treasure in our hearts.
With our admiration and gratitude.

Beatrice Martin Paillard

Posted 17 May 2018

I am very sad of the death of Mrs Daphné Sheldrick, I have fostered Sunyei for 15 years because I have been in Kenya 3 times and I knew she was a genuine and very special person.

I ll continue to do it because I know that you will pursui her word
Kings regards
Beatrice Martin

Carrie Bergen-Geisel

Posted 17 May 2018

Sending you all warm hugs from Canada! I continue to be amazed by Daphne’s work. She has been such an inspiration and I hope to be half the woman she was.

It’s so wonderful that you are all continuing on with her amazing life’s work – she will always be with us and even more, with the elephants 🙂


Ann Thornton

Posted 17 May 2018

I was hugely saddened by Daphne’s death. She has, however, left a legacy that will always be remembered and is in very safe hands to continue the wonderful work that you all do. Having supported your work since the 70’s and sponsored many elephants over that time it gives me great pleasure to see them integrated back into the wild. I think we all owe such a lot to Daphne for bringing people’s attention to the plight of elephants and for rescuing so many of them. The world will shine a little less brighter without her in it.

Sending much love to all her family and friends.

Tracy Meredith

Posted 17 May 2018

What would the elephants have done with your Mum and now you. You are my inspiration, all of you, the caretakers everyone connected with the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

You are the light, god bless you all xxxxxxx

Nan Warner

Posted 17 May 2018

An inspirational human being who helped change the course of human-animal interaction forever.

Jane Rice

Posted 17 May 2018

Good Morning Angela: The first fan letter to an author I ever sent was to your Mum after I had read her first book and, amazingly, she replied! It seems like a hundred years ago – so much has happened since then. And for Kenya and it’s eles., she made things happen, hugely.
This email is really for you actually. It comes to say how sorry I am that she’s gone now and that, for you, the missing her, must be constant. I was 40 when my Mum died very suddenly. I’m 70 now and I still miss her.
So this is just another email to remark on the wonderfulness of what Daphne achieved, but also to say that most of what she did in more recent years, could never have been accomplished without your love and support. You are amazing.
With lots of love Jane (Rice) (received via email)

David and Caroline Watson

Posted 17 May 2018

I am writing to express my condolences to Jill and Angela on the death of their mother Daphne Sheldrick.

I am related to David, indeed I was named after him as my Mother, Barbara Watson , nee Buckley was David’s first cousin, my wife and I were both born in Kenya and Tree Tops was always a family treat. My father Colonel Derek Watson stayed with your Mother on at least two occasions after my mother’s death, we have a lovely photograph of him with the orphaned elephants.

Again we as a family we are thinking of you at this very sad time.

Yours sincerely,

David and Caroline Watson

Valerie Larson

Posted 17 May 2018

I was so sad to hear of your mum’s passing, I am sure she knew it would carry on thanks to you, her family. I visited you all in the Nairobi National Park, a lovely place. Thank you all for saving so many and for the wonderful memories, I do hope to return and visit again. Val Larson NJ ( Actually from Yorkshire, UK)

Cheryl England

Posted 17 May 2018

Condolences to family and faithful elephant keepers. Dr Dame Daphne was a hero of mine and many others – a kind, sensitive and wise woman who was an inspiration to so many people throughout the world. A ray of sunshine in a sometimes hostile and troubled environment. Long may her legacy last.

Tricia French

Posted 17 May 2018

Condolences on the loss of a wonderful lady. Dame Daphne will be sadly missed. My thoughts are with all those who are carrying on her legacy. It was wonderful for me to visit your Centre in 2014.

yvon der Weduwe

Posted 17 May 2018

Dear dame Daphne seldirick i mis you en your smile in loving Memory


Posted 16 May 2018

When I found out The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, one thing deeply touched me: Dame Daphne’s lifestory. Her passing made me feel very sad.
Dear Angela, you can count on me.
Hope you feel better. Regards

Kim Krystyna Wooding

Posted 16 May 2018

Such a sad day when this wonderful lady left us. I have followed her for some time. Everyone knew of her and the wonderful love and work Dame Daphne did for Elephants and other wildlife. Bless her soul she will never be forgotten ❤️ My love and thoughts are with the family, who too are committed to continuing in her footsteps. And I will continue in my love support and admiration, for this lovely loving caring family.

RIP Elephant Lady 💖thank you for all you achieved and bringing us all closer together to help save the wildlife no mater where in the world we live. 💞

Georgette Atkins

Posted 16 May 2018

Sending sincere condolences to Angela and everyone at DSWT. My heart breaks for Maxwell and all the elephants who will also mourn her passing.

I would like to share the following, author unknown:

Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings in Heaven where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.

Daphne may have passed through the veil, but she is watching over her loved ones as they continue her legacy. Sending love and hugs across the miles.


Posted 16 May 2018

Dear Angela and the rest of DSWT,
It’s so sad that Dame Daphne has passed! She was such an incredible woman and her life’s work was so noble, I’m glad to know that it will continue and be in the hands of someone just as dedicated. I’m not usually a fan of memoirs, but Dame Daphne’s “Love, Life & Elephants” was so fantastic and I absolutely loved it. It was beautifully written and the stories so amazing. Dame Daphne was a fabulous woman and I’m sure you (Angela) are just as amazing. Thank you for all that you have done.

All the best,