In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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Lisa Colletti

Posted 23 May 2018

Thank Goodness for this wonderful woman! I am so sorry to hear she has passed. Blessings to your organization.

Jillian Thomas

Posted 23 May 2018

I wept when I read Love, Life, and Elephants five years ago. I now weep for the loss of a courageous and inspiring woman. May her legacy continue.

My condolences to Angela, the keepers and everyone involved in the Foundation – also to all the other adoptive parents who have been touched by Daphne Sheldrick and the Foundation’s work.


Anne and Michael Brown

Posted 23 May 2018

My husband and I were shocked and saddened to hear the sad news of Daphnes passing!

We had the wonderful experience of visiting the sanctuary and meeting the babies we sponsor, we were very impressed with all that we saw.

Daphne was certainly a very special lady and will be greatly missed!

Anne and Michael from Australia

Ingrid Denissen

Posted 23 May 2018

Daphne Sheldrick indeed made a difference. What she accomplished for elephants and other wildlife is beyond imagination.
I visited the orphanages twice and on the second time (2015) I met Daphne at Ithumba by accident. I still treasure that moment.
My sincere condolences to the family and keepers. Thank you for continuing the life’s work of Daphne Sheldrick.

Ingrid Denissen – Belgium

Antonia Lloyd-Lavery

Posted 22 May 2018

I first heard about Daphne and her wonderful work when I watched a documentary about the DSWT and the heartbreaking loss of Aisha the little elephant she loved so much. I have been a huge fan of DSWT ever since and have adopted darling Mbegu for me and my husband and Quanza, Sirimon and Maxwell for my parents and brother. I love my updates particularly on facebook as they brighten my day when there are so many negative things going on around the world. They remind me that there are amazing, kind, selfless people who are trying so hard to save our precious elephants. Daphne was and always will be one of the very best – she has left such a wonderful legacy and it is so heartening to know her achievements will continue with Angela and the rest of the wonderful DSWT team. Please never stop xxx

manou cassel

Posted 22 May 2018

Thank you to this beautiful lady for her wonderful dedication to the sauvegarde of the elephant population and for her love for these vulnerable orphans. She has been an inspiration and a role model to many. May her devotion inspire others to find the purpose of their life. Thank you Dame Daphne Sheldrick.

Lynette Essery

Posted 22 May 2018

As an Animal Rights Activist I have been following the amazing work of a fabulous icon, Daphne Sheldrick, who gave her life to the rescuing of orphaned baby Elephants, rehabilitating them and returning them to the wild. I will truly miss her and am so happy that her orphanage has been handed down to her daughter and family to continue this rewarding and life-giving work to save Elephants. Her life and legacy will live on forever in the Elephants that are rescued and saved from the savage poaching trade, and her love for the Elephants, wildlife and conservation will never be forgotten.
Rest in Peace dearest Daphne, you are missed very much and will always be remembered with Blessings in our hearts, minds and souls forever.

Lynette Essery and all our family in Toronto, Canada.

daniela disconzi

Posted 22 May 2018

I have no words to express my sorrow: nature has lost a hero.
Dear Angela, your mom will always be present in our thoughts.
with love, Daniela

Brulard marc

Posted 22 May 2018

Cette femme de dévouement, de patience et de douceur laisse un grand vide au bord de son éternité et les mots manquent aux émotions.
Son action immense et généreuse laisse un devoir de mémoire pour tous ceux qui ont aimé cette âme dont la vie a été de servir plus que de recevoir.
Merci Madame Daphné Sheldrick.

Sylvia Rabiner

Posted 21 May 2018

Daphne Sheldrick is one of those rare people whose life was spent in service. I hope her work will go on and the Sheldrick Trust will continue to rescue and protect young helpless elephants who cannot protect themselves.

Patricia Glover

Posted 21 May 2018

I was devastated to hear of the loss of a great lady that l have loved and adored all my life. Daphne Sheldrick was an amazing lady with so much love in her soul to care about the beautiful animals we have on our planet. The work Daphne done to stop the most magnificent elephant suffer at the hands of mankind was second to none, and to give her whole life to her passion opened up the eyes of the world.
Daphne will never be forgotten and will live on in our children, and also in her family that are keeping up the good work in her name. and least we forget Daphne’s husband who passed on the passion to Daphne.
God bless you all.
Patricia Glover and all in England

Aaron Chin

Posted 21 May 2018

Thank you Dame Daphne for your unrelenting love and compassion for elephants, wildlife and nature.

Joanne Sanderson

Posted 21 May 2018

My sincere condolences to the Sheldrick family and all the wonderful keepers. What an inspirational lady who will be sadly missed by many around the world. Your legacy will most certainly live on. Thank you for being there for all the orphans over the years who have needed your love and comfort. Sadly I never got to meet you but hopefully one day will be able to visit your treasured elephants.

Thank you to everyone for continuing this amazing work.

Helen Cooper

Posted 21 May 2018

My sincere condolences to all who loved Dame Daphne. A truly inspirational human being, a true hero for animals, if only this world had more like her.

If I could do the smallest fraction of what she did for Elephants and conservation I would die a happy person.

Thank you Dame Daphne and all your wonderful DSWT family.

Monika Brunova

Posted 21 May 2018

Thank you for everything. Thank you for your love, compassion, respect to the nature and your amazing and special spirit. You are the legend and your elephants will always love you.

Maureen McKinley Reschke

Posted 20 May 2018

Dame Daphne,

Your life was a blessing to all. Your work a gift to all creatures both great and small. You inspired so many people to better and gave so many a means to touch a world far from us and to save lives, and in doing so, help our planet. Your work will continue through your family and the thousands of lives you have touch. God, thank you for lending us Daphne for awhile. Now let her be with you and all your creatures in heaven.

Carol Linnane

Posted 20 May 2018

What an amazing life’s work, saving so many of these incredible animals! It was a wonderful experience visiting the sanctuary and seeing elephants in the wild in Kenya. Thank you, Daphne.

jarmina bullaert

Posted 20 May 2018

To the family,

Our sincere condolences. Daphne has done so much for the elephants , animals and human beings.

I am very sad. Her spirit is still among the elephants and the beloved ones.

Jarmina Bullaert and Malika Bullaert


Ilka Demmer

Posted 20 May 2018

All I can say, dear Angela, is that I feel very priviledged to have known her. What a wonderful person she was, and ever so modest despite all the honours so rightfully bestowed on her.

But she could pass on with the calming feeling of being able to leave it all in your capable hands. Terrible if it all would have ended with her.

Jude Pratt

Posted 19 May 2018

There are not enough words to describe my deepest gratitude for all you have done with the DSWT and my deepest condolence over the worlds loss of one of the most amazing, remarkable woman. No one can ever replace you, but I know along with myself, you have inspired so many to do something for our planets wildlife and give them the respect and treatment that is their right to have. Thank you so very much Dame Daphne Sheldrick.