In Loving Memory of Dame Daphne Sheldrick

04 June 1934 - 12 April 2018

“Daphne was a national treasure and a conservation icon. Her legacy is immeasurable and her passing will reverberate far and wide because the difference she has made for conservation in Kenya is unparalleled.”– Angela Sheldrick, Daphne Sheldrick’s Daughter and CEO of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her 83 years with us, Daphne touched countless lives — from generations of elephants who are thriving today through her trailblazing conservation work, to people all over the world who drew inspiration from her. She is testament to the difference that a single person can make, and her legacy lives on as we continue to protect and preserve wildlife in her memory.

Below, we invite you to share your own story of how Daphne touched your life.

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susan keane

Posted 14 April 2018

So thankful to Daphne for everything she has done for the wildlife in Kenya. I have had the privilege of visiting the Nairobi orphanage and will never forget my experience. I hope her amazing work will continue through her daughter. My sympathy to her family and appreciation to a wonderful woman.

Linda Golden

Posted 14 April 2018

Sandy and Lin offer their deepest condolences to everyone involved with DSWT especially her Family and the Keepers and Elephants who must be mourning as well. Dame Sheldrick will live forever in our minds and hearts. A tremendous example to the world of what a woman can be and the tremendous things she can do for humanity and the world.

J.Lisa Rowland

Posted 14 April 2018

My deepest condolences . Such sad news. Dame Daphne was an amazing woman and a personal hero of mine. She was an angel on earth. Her legacy goes on and should inspire us all. Thinking of her family and friends-human and elephant. I grieve with Kenya…With love and sincere sympathy

Jean du Ross

Posted 14 April 2018

A very special soul has left the world. Rest in Peace Daphne Sheldrick and may your work here on Earth be honoured and remembered and bear the best fruit.

Vicki Capek

Posted 14 April 2018

My sincere condolences to you all. This great woman will be missed but her work will live on. Shell be looking down on us and her animals will know it.

Mary Joy Aitken

Posted 14 April 2018

Thank you so much to Daphne for all she did for the beautiful elephants and other animals. You are a true inspiration! May you Rest In Peace and know your legacy is in great hands. Best wishes to the family at this difficult time of loss.

Shelley McColl

Posted 14 April 2018

My deepest condolences to The Sheldrick Family and all the Family of Keepers co-workers and Elephants.

Laurie and Brian Ruel

Posted 14 April 2018

So grateful for her AMAZING and PURPOSEFUL life! Thank you for sharing her with the world. Her passionate and dedicated work live on!

Janet Moull

Posted 14 April 2018

I am very sad to hear of Dame Daphnes passing. I am also encouraged that her wonderful legacy has been left in such capable hands.

Kristine Hansen

Posted 14 April 2018

I am so genuinely sorry for your loss the planet lost an incredible person yesterday. Dame Daphne Sheldrick will always be one of my biggest inspirations. When I was younger I saw the film Born to be Wild with my family and it ended up having a huge impact on my life. I found your organization through the film and absolutely fell in love with everything that you do and with elephants themselves. Dame Daphnes compassion reminds me of who I want to be in this world and will always be a guiding light for me to strive to do more and be better. People like her have helped to remind me that even when things seem grim the is always always hope for the world. Thank you for everything you do to carry on this incredible legacy.

Lisa Clinton

Posted 14 April 2018

Dear Angela and family and all at DSWT. We were saddened to hear of the passing of Dame Daphne. You will be in our thoughts. We join the many others around the world who are grateful for her lifelong dedication to all animals the earth and the expansive legacy she leaves behind. Thank you all for your ongoing commitment to continue her work. Our best to you Lisa Clinton and Derek Ruddy

Hammad Ahmed

Posted 14 April 2018

Thank you for all you do to protect and conserve elephants. Daphne has my utmost respect and admiration. May she rest among the stars.

Sandra Carrigg

Posted 14 April 2018

Your mum will be sorely missed. She made a great difference in this world and will not be forgotten. My deepest condolences.

Andrea Jones

Posted 14 April 2018

To have shared the life of this most incredible and generous lady must have been a great privilege and a gift you will always treasure xx

Diane Maltz

Posted 14 April 2018

Not only for the loss of Daphne but for the beating hearts of all the animals she saved and loved.
Thank you. I intend to leave a legacy one day.

Sue Hurly

Posted 14 April 2018

My condolences to the Sheldrick family and the staff of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. One of my favourite memories of travelling to Kenya in 1994 was taking my mother Honor Hurly nee Sherbrooke-Walker daughter of the founders of Outspan Treetops Hotels to meet Daphne again and to see the orphaned elephants. The two matriarchs had a shared a lifelong passion of elephants that was wonderful to see. Mum passed 1.5 years ago – another generation lost – but what a fantastic legacy left behind.

Jane S Blecher

Posted 14 April 2018

May her memory be for a blessing for all the wild things of the world.

Jurij Solovij

Posted 14 April 2018

Never having met either Dame Daphne nor her husband David it is still quite clear to me that their lives and efforts have greatly benefited our World and all it’s lives and natural places. They have been a significant part of our planet’s Great Mandala. It is with determination that I will attempt to continue to tread the same path as they did. A prayer that their legacy DSWT continues to grow as a force in protecting our world.

Kathryn Murphy

Posted 14 April 2018

Thinking of everyone at this sad time. Dame Daphne was my hero and an inspiration to me. The world is a worse place for her departure but I pray that her legacy will live on and can be seen in the many elephants and other animals that she has saved. Rest in peace Dame Daphne but in the knowledge that people care as you did and will fight to keep your legacy alive.

Maite Isabel Burt

Posted 14 April 2018

Very sad that it was her time to leave. Very happy her life was so valuable for her beloved creatures. Very humble at her immense courage to love save and instruct with such wholehearted passion. Thank you Daphne Sheldrick for all you have created that endures. May your protection live on 1008465039